Changing grid panel data using cell editors
The Customers grid built in this recipe illustrates how different cell editors are used to allow for in-place editing of a data record.
A text field can be used as a cell editor as shown in the following screenshot:

Combo boxes can also serve as cell editors:

How to do it...
1. Define the customers' data store:
var customersStore = new{ url: 'grid-editor.php', baseParams: { xaction: 'customers' }, root: 'customers', idProperty: 'ID', fields: ['ID', 'name', 'address', 'zip code', 'phone', 'city'], writer: new });
2. Define the cities data store. This store will feed the cities lookup:
var citiesStore = new{ url: 'grid-editor.php', baseParams: { xaction: 'cities' }, root: 'cities', fields: ['city_id', 'city'] });
3. Create the grid panel:
Ext.onReady(function() { var grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ title:'Customers', store: customersStore, columns: [ { header: "ID", width: 30, dataIndex...