Team configurations
Flow diagrams that model the typical design process depict a neat and orderly procession of boxes and arrows depicting the transition of the design process from phase to phase - start to end. In practice, the team often needs to constantly shift focus, improvise, and deal with stressful timelines and difficulties. The work can be very stressful at times, but it is interesting, challenging, and rewarding.

The size of teams varies with the size of the organization one works in. From a "team of one"--a single individual freelancer who offers their services on a temporary basis, to design departments within large organizations.
As an experience designer or developer, one typically works throughout their career--by choice, opportunity, or need--in one or more of the common settings:
- Freelancer - a team of one: Individual designers offer their services, typically on a project-by-project basis. Industries and projects change based on whatever work is available, or the designer...