Growth mindset
All of us want to grow – as a person and as an organization. How do we do that? We have lots of things to do – we call that our Job Description (JD). If you exceed your JD, the chances of growth are much higher. Nothing new here. The problem is that even if you want to deliver more, do you have enough time? Time is the universal constraint.
Even if you are the richest person on earth, you cannot purchase time. Surprisingly, each one of us can do something better – you can actually create time.
By now, you must be realizing that many of the activities you perform are not efficient. When you use an efficient method, time is saved. That is where you create time for your own growth. Invest it in value-adding activities and you will drive faster growth. This is what I mean by a "growth mindset."
While managing our email and calendar, we do not use the available time to our advantage, leading to inefficiency.