YouTube best practices
An additional component of producing videos is managing them once they're uploaded to YouTube. Once you've uploaded more than around two dozen videos, you will need to click through several pages of your video manager to find your videos.
This can prove challenging if you teach many courses, each with its own series of videos. To remedy this, be sure to create playlists for each course and add each video you recorded for that class to its playlist. This will let you organize your videos; moreover, you can also share the playlist for a course with your students.
Take a look at the following example of a video being added to a playlist:

Here is a screen shot of a series of videos in a playlist:

Keep in mind that the edX video player defaults to, and is optimized for, YouTube videos. However, it is equally important to remember that YouTube might not be available in all countries.
Usually these restrictions can be circumvented by accessing the Internet through a...