What this book covers
Chapter 1, Our View of Edge Computing, establishes a shared vernacular, describes infrastructure scenarios, and relies on industry conventions to ensure standard and widely compatible solutions.
Chapter 2, Edge Architectural Components, covers four roles of components in edge architectures, benefits and limitations, and functional versus non-functional requirements.
Chapter 3, Core Edge Architecture, covers managing and enabling sensors and smart devices using the Edge Device Hub pattern.
Chapter 4, Network Edge Architecture, explores transitioning to software-defined network architectures to enable digital service provider scenarios.
Chapter 5, End-to-End Edge Architecture, brings together devices, macro components, and applications to solve industry-specific challenges.
Chapter 6, Data Has Weight and Inertia, explores the data-related considerations that edge-native solutions will need to address.
Chapter 7, Automate to Achieve Scale, includes approaches that have worked at the extreme scales that edge deployments may encounter.
Chapter 8, Monitoring and Observability, covers how to ensure that a deployed edge solution is performing as designed, despite unique challenges.
Chapter 9, Connect Judiciously but Thoughtlessly, covers three connection scenarios and how application-centered approaches can address them.
Chapter 10, Open Source Software Can Benefit You, explores strategies for ensuring that open source dependencies are used optimally, and when and how an enterprise should open source their solutions.
Chapter 11, Recommendations and Best Practices, takes a wider view of the problem space and how thinking deeply about what you are doing and why can yield some surprising insights.