Configuring forums
After enabling the Forum module, we need to configure it. To begin this process, navigate to Administration and select the Index tab, or navigate directly to admin/index

Click the link for
Forums, by navigating to Administration | Structure | Forums or admin/structure/forum
Containers and forums
When configuring forums, we can organize our forums using top-level containers and individual forums.

To add a container, click on the Add container button as shown in the preceding screenshot by section 1.
To add a forum, click on the Add forum button as shown in the preceding screenshot by section 2.
Forums do not need to be in containers. If you have more than one forum, a container is a useful tool to organize your forums. However, in setting up forums, it is recommended that you start as simple as possible, as you can always create additional forums and containers as the need for them arises. In the early stages of building community, you want your site to look busy...