Modifying the consumer to be fully asynchronous
The ChatConsumer
you have implemented inherits from the base WebsocketConsumer
class, which is synchronous. Synchronous consumers are convenient for accessing Django models and calling regular synchronous I/O functions. However, asynchronous consumers present a higher performance, since they don't require additional threads when handling requests. Since you are using the asynchronous channel layer functions, you can easily rewrite the ChatConsumer
class to be asynchronous.
Edit the
file of the chat
application and implement the following changes:
import json
from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncWebsocketConsumer
from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync
from django.utils import timezone
class ChatConsumer(AsyncWebsocketConsumer):
async def connect(self):
self.user = self.scope['user'] = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['course_id']