Exercise 1: Provisioning Cloud Solutions to Explore Monitoring Features
The following steps will help you to provision Azure web apps, a storage account, and Azure SQL Database. To execute the script, you can leverage Cloud Shell or a local console. At the end of the exercise, please retrieve your web application name from the output for further use.
You can find the code at the following link: https://packt.link/Sj3v5
The commands in this exercise are implemented on Bash and can be executed locally or in Cloud Shell. If you want to run commands locally, please install the Azure CLI: http://aka.ms/azcli.
- First, create a unique application name by appending a random number to
. This ensures your resources are uniquely identifiable.appName=aidemo$RANDOM
- Next, create a resource group.
az group create -l eastus -n AppInsightsDemo-RG
You are now ready to set up your web app infrastructure.
- Create an App Service plan.
az appservice plan create -n $appName...