Other RL libraries
As we discussed earlier, there are several RL-specific libraries available. A few years ago, TensorFlow was more popular than PyTorch, but nowadays, PyTorch is dominating the field, and there is a recent trend of JAX being used as it provides better performance. The following is my recommended list of libraries you might want to take into consideration for your projects:
stable-baselines3: We mentioned this library when we discussed Atari wrappers. This is a fork of the OpenAI Stable Baselines repository, and the main idea is to have an optimized and reproducible set of RL algorithms that you can use to check your methods ( https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3).
TorchRL: RL extensions for PyTorch. This library is relatively young-—the first release was at the end of 2022—but provides rich set of helper classes for RL. Its design philosophy is very close to PTAN—a Python-first set...