Part 1: Data Analysis in Polyglot Notebooks
We’ll start our journey by introducing Polyglot Notebooks and their role in software engineering, data analysis, and machine learning workflows. We’ll cover the Polyglot Notebooks technology and user interface as well as the basic decisions and actions you’ll make working with notebooks.
The remainder of this part focuses on loading data into a notebook and then performing data analysis in Polyglot Notebooks using .NET tooling using C# and F#.
Whether you’re an experienced data analyst or have no prior knowledge, you’ll learn how to load up, analyze, clean, and manipulate data using .NET technologies like the DataFrame.
You’ll also see how you can effectively understand data distributions and create helpful visuals using libraries like Plotly.NET, Microsoft.Data.Analysis, and MathNet.Numerics.
This part has the following chapters:
- Chapter 1, Data Science, Notebooks, and Kernels
- Chapter 2, Exploring Polyglot Notebooks
- Chapter 3, Getting Data and Code into Your Notebooks
- Chapter 4, Working with Tabular Data and DataFrames
- Chapter 5, Visualizing Data
- Chapter 6, Variable Correlations