Pyramidal graphs
What if we need a pyramidal graph divided into all possible subcategories of the data? Here is your answer in terms of the Stata code:
egen scoregroup= cut(score), group(9) label tab scoregroup sort sex scoregroup session contract sex scoregroup session rename _freq cnt reshape wide cnt, i(scoregroup sex) j(session) gen d1 = cnt1 /*session = 1 */ gen d12 = cnt1+cnt2 gen d123 = cnt3 + d12 gen d1_n = - d1 gen d12_n = - d12 gen d123_n = - d123 gen zero = 0 label values scoregroup scoregroup label values sex f1 twoway bar c123 scoregroup if sex==0 , horizontal || /// bar c12 scoregroup if sex==0, horizontal || /// bar c1 scoregroup if sex ==0, horizontal || /// bar c123_n scoregroup if sex ==1 , horizontal || /// bar c12_n scoregroup if sex ==1, horizontal || /// bar c1_n scoregroup if sex ==1, horizontal || /// sc scoregroup zero , mlabel(scoregroup) mlabsize(vsmall) /// mlabcolor(white) msymbol(i) || , plotregion(style(none)) ysca(dash) /// ylabel...