Now that we have what we pretty much started with in the previous chapters, this time, in C#, we can continue by adding a database connection. You can find all SQL scripts in this chapter in the GitHub repository in the sql folder in the chapter folder. We installed PostgreSQL and pgAdmin in Chapter 2, Setting Up A CI Environment, because we also needed it to run SonarQube. So, open up pgAdmin and find the connection you made in Chapter 2, Setting Up A CI Environment. If you do not have it anymore, you can read how to get it in Chapter 2, Setting Up A CI Environment, so I will not repeat that here. Now that you are connected to the server in pgAdmin, we can create the webshop database. Either right-click on the Databases node and select Create and then Database; just give the database the name webshop and save. Or you can connect to the default postgres database...