Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion
This is where you finally get to start analyzing data! For better or worse, there are some calculations that you will have to be able to perform in the actual exam. This is a part that a lot of people get stuck on because these aren’t things that data analysts calculate manually, but you do need to know them for the exam. Online testing centers should have a simple calculator built into the calculation questions, and an online document for taking notes. However, you will not be provided with the equations you are expected to know. Time to dust off some of those old math skills!
Before we jump into the equations, we will start by going over what a distribution is and some common distributions you might come across. Next, we will start with the simplest math, talking about measures of central tendency, how to calculate them, and when to use which. Then, we will go over measures of dispersion. We will focus on ranges and quartiles...