Script basics
There are a number of script basics. These will help you get the basics fast. Most of the other web platforms are primarily script, so anyone coming from another platform will find this very familiar ground. In fact, most of the script style in ColdFusion follows very similar standards to JavaScript. The first thing we will learn about script in ColdFusion is that it is typically wrapped with a pair of tags. (Yes, this is irony for sure.)
<cfscript> </cfscript>
The next thing we will look at is the comments. There are two ways to leave comments in script. There are single-line comments and multiple-line comments.
<cfscript> // single line comments like this a = 5; // these can come at the end of lines also /* This is the start of comments. These comments can but do not have to span multiple lines. This is the end of the comment segment. */ </cfscript>
Operators are not as strict in script as they are in tags. In tags, we cannot use the <
or the >...