The date requestor
The date requestor is a great addition to the form tools in ColdFusion 9. The AJAX date requestors were not available for the standard HTML functionality in ColdFusion forms. We have a very simple piece of code that helps us understand this new feature. There are many other features as well, but for now, we will investigate this tag.
<html> <head> <title>CFInput Example</title> </head> <body> <h2>CFInput Example</h2> <cfform name="bob"> <cfinput name="boxOne" type="datefield" /><br/><br/> <cfinput name="boxTwo" /><br/><br/> <cfinput name="boxThree" /> </cfform> </body> </html>
It would be good if the date requestor appeared at the top of all the other content. This will be of great help as the different types of form elements such as select boxes can be an issue with this type of technology. The user also has the option...