Further reading
I have used publicly available information sources for this chapter, without which this chapter would not have been possible. I wish to acknowledge them here:
- A talk by Alex Behm at the Data and AI Summit: https://databricks.com/session_eu20/photon-technical-deep-dive-how-to-think-vectorized
- White paper on Photon submitted at SIGMOD-2022: https://cs.stanford.edu/people/matei/papers/2022/sigmod_photon.pdf
- Master's thesis by Giorgi Kikolashvili at the University of Amsterdam – On the design of a JVM-based vectorized Spark query engine: https://homepages.cwi.nl/~boncz/msc/2019-GiorgiKikolashvili.pdf
If you are interested in deep -diving further into Photon, then use these resources.