Using workflows to automate your email marketing
If you search the internet and/or read books about marketing, you will read consistently that it takes an average of 6-8 instances of contact before a qualified prospect will purchase from you. This is much more about building a know, like, and trust relationship than a box-ticking exercise and it is by no means guaranteed that all customers will actually purchase at all. There are lots of variables, such as brand, product, sector, and customer, at play here, but it is fair to say that automated email marketing has an important role to play in all this.
Lots of marketing experts will also report that this email communication must be personalized, relevant, and timely for it to truly resonate with the reader. This is where the CRM linked to Campaigns comes in. The CRM will hold all the details of our prospects and customers, including personal details, how they heard about you, where they are up to in the customer life cycle, and previous...