- animation curve
- setting / Setting the animation curve
- Animator Controller
- used, for creating character motion / Animator Controller
- animation states, creating / Animation states
- artificial-intelligence (AI) / Characteristics of an RPG
- asset inventory, Zazar dynasty
- about / Asset inventory
- environment assets / Environment assets
- character assets / Character assets
- Asset Store / Environment assets
- Awakening scene, Zazar dynasty
- creating / The Awakening
- terrain model, using / Using the terrain model
- custom toolkit, using / Using a custom toolkit
- skybox, using / Skybox
- Base Character class
- attributes / Base character class attributes
- built-in erosion types, Terrain toolkit
- Thermal Erosion / Terrain toolkit in a nutshell
- Hydraulic Erosion / Terrain toolkit in a nutshell
- Tidal Erosion / Terrain toolkit in a nutshell
- character
- definitions / Character definitions
- assets / Character assets
- states, implementing / Character states  Â
- character assets, Zazar dynasty
- about / Character assets
- Barbarians / Barbarians
- Orcs / Orcs
- Villagers / Villagers
- Free Assets / Free Assets
- character controller
- animation, modifications / Modification to animations
- character model
- about / Character model
- default character models / Default character models
- modifying / Let's get started
- rigging / Rigging your model
- character motion
- implementing / Character motion
- creating, with Animator Controller / Animator Controller
- handling, with character controller / Character controller
- Citadel
- about / Citadel: Forged with Fire
- reference / Citadel: Forged with Fire
- combat system
- about / Combat system
- types / Combat system
- contest tree / Contest tree
- cRPG story
- about / A glimpse of a cRPG story
- quests / A glimpse at our exploration and quests
- exploration / A glimpse at our exploration and quests
- customizable parts, player
- shields / Customizable parts
- armor / Customizable parts
- body type / Customizable parts
- boots / Customizable parts
- helmet / Customizable parts
- weapons / Customizable parts
- skins / Customizable parts
- Cyberpunk 2077
- about / Cyberpunk 2077
- reference / Cyberpunk 2077
- default character models
- about / Default character models
- Barbarian / Barbarian
- Villager / Villager
- Orc / Orc
- dynamic item viewer
- designing / Designing a dynamic item viewer
- scroll view, adding / Adding a scroll view
- elements, adding to PanelItem / Adding elements to PanelItem and Scroll View
- elements, adding to ScrollView / Adding elements to PanelItem and Scroll View
- txtItemElement, adding dynamically / Adding txtItemElement dynamically
- environment assets, Zazar dynasty
- about / Environment assets
- Medieval Environment Pack / Medieval Environment Pack
- Terrain Toolkit 2017 / Terrain Toolkit 2017
- Nature Starter Kit 2 / Nature Starter Kit 2
- fbx / Creating an inventory item
- filter, types
- Smooth / Terrain toolkit in a nutshell
- Normalize / Terrain toolkit in a nutshell
- First-Person Shooter (FPS) / Designing a heads-up display
- game level controller
- modifying / Changes to the game level controller
- GameMaster
- about / GameMaster
- audio, managing / Managing game settings and audio
- game settings, managing / Managing game settings and audio
- scenes, managing / Managing scenes
- improving / Improving GameMaster
- level controller / Level controller
- audio controller, creating / Audio controller
- code, testing / Testing
- Game Master (GM) / A brief history of the genre
- genre
- history / A brief history of the genre
- Heads-Up Display (HUD)
- about / User interaction and graphics
- designing / Designing a heads-up display, HUD basics, Our design
- framework, creating / HUD framework
- design, completing / Completing our HUD design
- character info panel, creating / Character info panel
- active inventory items panel, creating / Active inventory items panel
- items panel, creating / Special items panel
- enemy stats, displaying / Enemy stats in the HUD
- NPC stats user interface, creating / NPC stats user interface
- NPC canvas, creating / Creating the NPC canvas
- player character, attacking / NPC taking a hit
- inventory interface
- designing / Designing an inventory interface
- UI framework, creating / Creating the inventory UI framework
- dynamic item viewer, designing / Designing a dynamic item viewer
- final inventory item UI, building / Building the final inventory item UI
- inventory item
- creating / Creating an inventory item
- prefab, creating / Creating the prefab
- agent, adding / Adding an inventory item agent
- as prefabs / Inventory items defined as prefabs
- category buttons, hooking / Hooking the category buttons and displaying the data
- player character, modifying / Inventory items and the player character
- applying / Applying inventory items
- applying, to player character / How it looks
- inventory system
- about / Inventory system
- designing / Designing an inventory system
- weighted inventory / Weighted inventory
- item types, determining / Determining item types
- UI, interacting / Integrating the UI with the actual inventory system
- category buttons, hooking / Hooking the category buttons and displaying the data
- data, displaying / Hooking the category buttons and displaying the data
- testing / Testing the inventory system
- Inverse Kinematics (IK)
- about / Inverse Kinematics
- animation curve, setting / Setting the animation curve
- Last Man Standing / Last Man Standing
- level design, Zazar dynasty
- about / Level design
- stage, setting / Setting the stage
- terrain toolkit / Terrain toolkit in a nutshell
- Awakening scene, creating / The Awakening
- testing / Testing the level
- Live Action Role Playing (LARP) / A brief history of the genre
- Medieval Environment Pack / Medieval Environment Pack
- MU Legend
- about / MU Legend
- reference / MU Legend
- multiplayer game
- challenges / Challenges of a multiplayer game
- implementing / Initial multiplayer game
- networking components / Fundamental networking components
- my tank networking project, creating / My tank networking project
- player character, adding / Adding a player character
- enemy tank, adding / Adding the enemy tank
- building / Building and testing
- testing / Building and testing
- Nature Starter Kit 2 / Nature Starter Kit 2
- Negotiated Contest / Negotiated Contest
- network-enabled RPG characters
- about / Network-enabling RPG characters
- scene, creating / Creating a scene for our RPG
- networked player character, creating / Networked player character
- networked non-player character, creating / Networked non-player character
- player customization, synchronizing / Synchronizing player customization and items
- items, synchronizing / Synchronizing player customization and items
- NPCs, spawning / Spawning NPCs and other items
- items, spawning / Spawning NPCs and other items
- testing / Testing our network-enabled PC and NPC
- network callbacks
- OnStartServer() / Network callbacks
- OnStartClient() / Network callbacks
- OnSerialize() / Network callbacks
- OnDeSerialize() / Network callbacks
- OnNetworkDestroy() / Network callbacks
- OnStartLocalPlayer() / Network callbacks
- OnRebuildObservers() / Network callbacks
- OnSetLocalVisibility() / Network callbacks
- OnCheckObserver() / Network callbacks
- networking components
- Network Manager / Fundamental networking components
- Network Lobby Manager / Fundamental networking components
- Network Manager HUD / Fundamental networking components
- Network Identity / Fundamental networking components
- Network Transform / Fundamental networking components
- network programming / What's next?
- non-player character
- about / Non-player characters
- basics / Non-player character basics
- setting up / Setting up the non-player character
- Animator Controller (AC), creating / NPC Animator Controller
- attack mode, implementing / NPC Attack
- AI, implementing / NPC AI
- player character, interacting with / PC and NPC interaction
- patterns, RPG
- about / Patterns in RPG
- terminology / Terminology
- contest tree / Contest tree
- Last Man Standing / Last Man Standing
- Negotiated Contest / Negotiated Contest
- pen-and-paper (PnP) / A brief history of the genre
- player character
- customizing / Customizing the player character
- customizable parts / Customizable parts
- User Interface (UI), using / User interface
- customization code / The code for character customization
- state, preserving / Preserving our character state
- customization scene / Recap
- interacting, with non-player character / PC and NPC interaction
- data management / Player data management
- class enhancements / PC class enhancements
- customization class, updating / Character customization class update
- inventory item, applying / How it looks
- code, enhancing / Enhancing the code
- player character, multiplayer game
- adding / Adding a player character
- variables, synchronizing / Variable synchronization
- network callbacks / Network callbacks
- commands, sending / Sending commands
- client RPC calls, creating / Client RPC calls
- cannonball, creating for tank / Creating the cannonball for the tank
- tank prefab, creating / Creating the tank prefab and configuring the network lobby manager
- network lobby manager, configuring / Creating the tank prefab and configuring the network lobby manager
- Raycasting / Enhancing the code
- Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game / Designing a heads-up display
- Role-Playing Game (RPG)
- about / A brief history of the genre, Existing or upcoming RPG games, Designing a heads-up display
- Tabletop / A brief history of the genre
- Live action / A brief history of the genre
- Computer RPG (cRPG) / A brief history of the genre
- characteristics / Characteristics of an RPG
- MU Legend / MU Legend
- Titan Siege / Titan Siege
- Citadel / Citadel: Forged with Fire
- Cyberpunk 2077 / Cyberpunk 2077
- building / Building our RPG
- Root Motion / Character motion
- RPG, key elements
- story / Story and setting
- setting / Story and setting
- exploration / Exploration and quests
- quests / Exploration and quests
- inventory system / Inventory system
- character attributes / Character attributes and actions
- character actions / Character attributes and actions
- experience / Experience and leveling
- leveling / Experience and leveling
- combat system / Combat system
- user interaction / User interaction and graphics
- graphics / User interaction and graphics
- terminology, RPG games
- attribute / Terminology
- character / Terminology
- characteristics / Terminology
- common characteristics / Terminology
- conflict / Terminology
- contest / Terminology
- derived attributes / Terminology
- drama / Terminology
- flaw / Terminology
- fortune / Terminology
- Game Master / Terminology
- gauge / Terminology
- gift / Terminology
- karma / Terminology
- Non-Player Character (NPC) / Terminology
- Optional Characteristics / Terminology
- player / Terminology
- Player Character (PC) / Terminology
- Primary Attribute / Terminology
- rank / Terminology
- Ranked Trait / Terminology
- Selected Characteristic / Terminology
- shared gauge / Terminology
- skill / Terminology
- trait / Terminology
- Terrain Toolkit 2017
- about / Terrain Toolkit 2017
- using / Setting the stage
- Terrain Toolkit 2017, pre-defined generators
- Voronoi / Terrain toolkit in a nutshell
- Fractal / Terrain toolkit in a nutshell
- Perlin / Terrain toolkit in a nutshell
- Titan Siege
- about / Titan Siege
- reference / Titan Siege
- UI elements
- code, integrating / Integrating the code
- Unity Editor / Setting the stage
- weighted inventory / Weighted inventory
- Zazar dynasty
- asset inventory / Asset inventory
- level design / Level design
- main menu, creating / Creating the main menu
- GameMaster script, creating / Creating the GameMaster script
- Zazar dynasty, quests
- about / Exploration and quests
- awakening / Awakening
- village / The village
- broken forest / Broken forest – the horizon
- kingdom / The kingdom
- Zazar dynasty, story
- about / The story of the Zazar dynasty
- backstory / Backstory
- exploration / Exploration and quests
- quests / Exploration and quests