As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
>region directive 93
3-axis accelerometer 249
acknowledge (ACK) bit 263
ADC channels 216
multiplexing 217
ADC Control Register 1 (ADC_CR1)
key bits 219
ADC Control Register 2 (ADC_CR2)
key bits 220
ADC DMA driver
developing 360-364
ADC driver
developing 222
GPIO pins, identifying 222-228
project, testing 229, 230
ADC flags
Analog Watchdog (AWD) flag 221
end of conversion (EOC) flag 221
end of injected conversion (JEOC) flag 221
overrun (OVR) flag 221
start conversion (STRT) flag 221
ADC modes
continuous conversion mode 218
discontinuous mode 218
injected conversion mode 218
scan mode 218
single conversion mode 217
ADC registers and flags 219
ADC Control Register 1 (ADC_CR1) 219
ADC Control Register 2 (ADC_CR2) 220
ADC Data Register (ADC_DR) 220
ADC Regular Sequence Register (ADC_SQRx) 220
ADC Status Register (ADC_SR) 221
key ADC flags 221
ADC Regular Sequence Register (ADC_SQRx)
key bits 220
address frame 263, 264
address relocation 84
Advanced High-Performance Bus 1 (AHB1) 41
Advanced High-Performance Bus (AHB) 38, 182
Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) 38
APB1 prescaler 183
APB2 prescaler 183
advanced timer
features 180
ADXL345 248, 249
applications 250
features 249
sensing function 250, 251
ADXL345 driver
adxl_init() function 257-259
adxl_read() function 256
adxl_write() function 256
developing 253
header file 253-256
ADXL345 I2C driver 280, 281
AHB1 ER 40, 41
alarm registers 308
alias 52
ALIGN directive 94
allocatable sections 83
alternate function high register (AFRH) 155
alternate function low register (AFRL) 155
analog-to-digital conversion
encoding 213
overview 212
quantization 212
sampling 212
analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) 36, 82, 179, 195
operations 152
Analog Watchdog enable (AWDEN) 219
arbiter 353
generic user guide 15, 16
arm-none-eabi-gcc command 63
arm-none-eabi-nm command 66
arm-none-eabi-objcopy command 67
arm-none-eabi-objdump command 66
arm-none-eabi-readelf command 67
arm-none-eabi-size command 66
assembly and C files compilation 69, 70
linking process 70
list file creation 70
size calculation 70
assembly language 24-29
asynchronous communication 190
asynchronous mode (UART) 200
AT directive 95
autonomous drones
GPS module integration 195
auto-reload register 181
backup registers 310
Bare-Metal C programming 24-27
bare-metal programming 23, 59
battery management system (BMS) 218
baud rate 199
significance 199, 200
standard baud rates 200
Baud Rate Register (BRR) 206
Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) 307, 323
features 323
using, in RTC configurations 324-326
working 323
bit 43
clearing 44
setting 43
bit mask 52
bit rate 199
bits per second (bps) 199
Block Started by Symbol (.bss) 85
Build icon 21
build process
assembly and C files
compilation 69
firmware, uploading to microcontroller with OpenOCD 74-78
foundations 60
GNU bin tools, working with 70-74
observing, from IDE’s perspective 68, 69
build systems 118
components 120
tasks 118
central processing unit (CPU) 36
Chip Select (CS) 234
clock gating 39, 40, 383
implementing, ways 383
smart home devices, example use case 383
Clock Phase (CPHA) 237
Clock Polarity (CPOL) 237
clock sources 305, 306
CMSIS-Core Device Files 141
CMSIS-Core files 140-142
CMSIS-Core (M) 139
CMSIS-Core Standard Files 141
CMSIS-Driver 139
CMSIS files
right header files, obtaining 142, 143
setting up 142
working with 143-147
CMSIS-Pack 140
Common Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) 131-139
benefits 139
coding rules 140
components 139, 140
qualifiers 140
communication interfaces 36
communication protocols 190
in linker scripts 95, 96
control icons 21
Build icon 21
New icon 21
control registers 310
Cortex®-M4 with FPU system control register 385
counter register 181
counters 36
counting modes
down-counting mode 181
up-counting mode 181
C structures
peripheral registers, defining 132
data frames 263, 264
Data In (DIN) 234
data modes 237
Data Out (DOUT) 234
date register (RTC_DR) 307
Debug icon 21
development board 13
making, with ARM Holdings 14
NUCLEO-F411 development board 13, 14
role 13
development tools, microcontrollers
GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain, setting up 5, 6
IDEs 2, 3
OpenOCD, setting up 6-12
STM32CubeIDE, setting up 3, 4
toolchain 3
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 139
Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) 195, 351
Direct Memory Access (DMA) 267, 350
features 351
use cases 351
working 350
discontinuous mode (DISCEN) 219
DMA1 Stream5 371
DMA memory-to-memory driver
developing 374-379
DMA Stream6 371
DMA Stream Configuration Register (DMA_SxCR) 359
DMA Stream Memory Address Registers (DMA SxM0AR and DMA_SxM1AR)_ 360
DMA Stream Number of Data Register (DMA_SxNDTR) 359
DMA Stream Peripheral Address Register (DMA_SxPAR) 360
DMA use cases
audio streaming 352
high-speed data acquisition 352
LCD display refresh 353
developing, to enter standby mode and wake up 390-395
dynamic acceleration 249, 252
Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) 382
implementing, ways 382
mobile phones, example use case 382
Embedded Application Binary Interface 63
enable register (ER) 27, 41
encoding 213
end of conversion interrupt enable (EOCIE) 219
energy-efficient smartwatch case study 384
clock gating 384
DVFS 384
low-power modes 384
power gating 384
engine control unit (ECU) 335
ENTRY directive 89
environmental monitoring system 389
for smart agriculture 196
Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) 62, 90
external interrupts 387, 388, 394
EXTI configuration 388
GPIO configuration 388
NVIC configuration 388
external WDTs 337
features 337
EXTI driver development 294
EXTI driver 295-299
pending register (EXTI_PR) 295
feeding the watchdog 334
FIFO buffer 251
firmware development 24
firmware projects
Makefiles, writing for 124-127
First-In-First-Out (FIFO) 351
flash memory 80
flash memory area 99
force of gravity (g) 253
foundations, build process 60
assembly stage 61
compilation stage 61
linking stage 62
locating stage 62
pre-processing stage 60, 61
FPDS (Flash Power Down in Stop Mode) 392
full-duplex communication
versus half-duplex communication 191
General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) peripheral 149, 150
General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pin 24, 132
general-purpose timers (TIM) 177
features 180
gigabytes (GB) 81
GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain
setting up 5, 6
GNU binary tools, for embedded systems 63
architecture-specific flags 65
arm-none-eabi-gcc 63
commands 66, 67
common compiler flags 64
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 3, 63
GNU Debugger (GDB) 76, 115, 128
GPIOA Enable 42
GPIO alternate function registers 155, 157
GPIO bit-set/reset register (GPIOx_BSRR) 154
structure 154
GPIO input data register (GPIOx_IDR) 153
GPIO input driver 162-164
GPIO mode register (GPIOx_MODER) 151, 152
GPIO output data register (GPIOx_ODR) 152
GPIO output data register (ODR) 152
GPIO output driver
with BSRR 158-162
locating 35-37
GPIO port mode register (GPIOx_MODER) 44-47
GPIO Port Output Data Register (GPIOx_ODR) 47, 48
GPIO ports 36
GPS module integration
for autonomous drones 195
Graphical User Interface (GUI) 2
half-duplex communication
versus full-duplex communication 191
Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) 24
benefits 25
drawbacks 25
hardware interrupts 100
helper functions 372
High-performance Bus Clock (HCLK) 182
high-speed external (HSI) 305
I2C Clock Control Register (I2C_CCR) 268
key bits 268
I2C Control Register 1 (I2C_CR1) 267
key bits 268
I2C Control Register 2 (I2C_CR2) 268
key bits 268
I2C Data Register (I2C_DR) 269
I2C driver
ADXL345 I2C driver 280, 281
developing 269
initialization function 269-272
main function 282, 283
read function 273-278
write function 278, 279
I2C interface
Serial Clock (SCL) 262
Serial Data (SDA) 262
I2C TRISE register (I2C_TRISE) 269
IDEs for microcontroller firmware development
IAR Embedded Workbench 2
STM32CubeIDE 2
Independent Watchdog (IWDG) timer 333, 337, 338
features 337
registers 340, 341
industrial control system (ICS) 337
industrial process control (IPC) 179
Information Center 17
integrated development environment (IDE) 24
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 36, 190-194, 234, 261, 262
addressable devices 262
advantages 194
communication process 263
data transfer 264
data transmission process 266
disadvantages 194
features 193
master device 263
multi-master 262
multi-slave 262
simple and low-cost 262
slave device 263
speed variants 262
synchronous communication 262
two-wire interface 262
use cases 196
working 263-266
internal events 389
event handling 390
peripheral configuration 390
internal WDTs 336
features 336
interrupt-driven solutions, versus polling-based solutions
button debouncing case study 290
communication protocols case study 291, 292
sensor data acquisition case study 291
interrupt handlers 372, 373
Interrupt Request (IRQ) 286
interrupts 100, 286, 308
hardware interrupts 100
importance, in firmware 287
software interrupts 100
versus exceptions 287
working 286, 287
Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) 99, 285, 289
Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) 285, 289
features 289
IWDG driver
developing 341
implementation file 342-344
main file 344-346
project, testing 346
IWDG Key Register (IWDG_KR) 340
IWDG Prescaler Register (IWDG_PR) 341
IWDG Reload Register (IWDG_RLR) 341
IWDG Status Register (IWDG_SR) 341
KEEP directive 93
Keil uVision (Keil MDK) 2
key specifications, ADC
resolution 214
step size 215, 216
VREF 215
key STM32 DMA registers 358
DMA Stream Configuration Register (DMA_SxCR) 359
DMA Stream Memory Address Registers (DMA_SxM0AR and DMA_SxM1AR) 360
DMA Stream Number of Data Register (DMA_SxNDTR) 359
DMA Stream Peripheral Address Register (DMA_SxPAR) 360
kicking the dog 334
kilobytes (KB) 81
least significant bit (LSB) 197, 239, 274
LED connected, to PA5 of microcontroller
operations, for controlling 52-56
light-emitting diode (LED) 23, 178
linker script 82
available memory, detailing 102
constants 95, 96
entry directive (ENTRY) 89
firmware’s entry point, specifying 102
heap and stack sizes, specifying 103
memory directive (MEMORY) 87, 88
memory layout 85
objectives 101
options 87
output sections, defining 103
section definitions 85, 86
sections directive (SECTIONS) 89-91
sections merging 91
symbol creation 102, 103
symbols 87, 96-98
testing 113, 114
.text output section 103-105
writing 100
linking process 83
loadable sections 83
load memory address (LMA) 84, 92, 93
location counter 94
locator 85
longest wake-up time 387
Low Layer (LL) 24-26
benefits 26
drawbacks 26
low-power modes 383, 385
implementing, ways 384
remote sensors, example use case 384
sleep mode 384, 386
standby mode 384, 387
stop mode 384, 387
low-speed external (LSE) 305
low-speed internal (LSI) 305, 337
LPDS (Low-Power Deepsleep) 392
LPLVDS (Low-Power Regulator in Low Voltage in Deepsleep) 392
main stack pointer (MSP) 110
make build system 117-120
basics 120-122
configuring 123, 124
downloading 123
features 119
installing 123, 124
rules 120
Makefiles 72, 117
CC variable 130
CFLAGS variable 130
LDFLAGS variable 130
objectives 125
special variable, applying 129, 130
testing 127-129
user-defined variable, applying 129, 130
writing, for firmware projects 124-127
Master In Slave Out (MISO) 234
Master Out Slave In (MOSI) 234
Maven 119
features 119
megabytes (MB) 81
memory address 360
memory density 81
MEMORY directive 87
usage example 88
usage template 87, 88
memory layout 85
memory management unit (MMU) 92
memory-mapped input/output (I/O) 82
development tools 2
Minimalist GNU for Windows (MinGW) 119
moderate wake-up time 386
most significant bit (MSB) 197, 239
MRLVDS (Main Regulator in Low Voltage in Deepsleep) 392
multi-device communication 191
master-slave 191
multi-master 191
versus point-to-point communication 191
multiplexing 217
NACK 264
Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) 285-388
features 288
neural network 139
New icon 21
non-loadable, non-allocatable sections 83
non-maskable interrupt (NMI) 289
Not Slave Select (NSS) 234
NUCLEO-F411 development board 13, 14
Arduino-compatible headers, locating 32, 33
berg pins, locating 32-34
LED connection, locating 30, 31
User Push button, locating 31, 32
Nyquist Theorem 212
object files 61
offset 133
open-drain configuration 236
Open On-Chip Debugger (OpenOCD) 74
setting up 6-12
used, for uploading firmware to microcontroller 75-78
in linker scripts 87
Output Data Register (ODR) 47, 174
overrun error (ORE) 201
parallel communication 191
versus serial communication 190
parity bit 198
even parity 198
odd parity 198
PDDS (Power Down Deepsleep) 392
periodic data logging 387
peripheral address 360
peripheral events 389
peripheral memory 82
peripheral registers
base address, obtaining 132, 133
defining, with C structures 132
offsets, obtaining 132, 133
peripheral structures
implementing 134, 135
point-to-point communication 191
versus multi-device communication 191
ports 35
Power Control Register 386
power gating 383
implementing, ways 383
wearable devices, example use case 383
power management techniques 382
clock gating 383
Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) 382
low power modes 383, 384
power gating 383
prescaler register 181
prescalers 306
asynchronous prescaler 306
synchronous prescaler 306
Prescaler value update (PVU) 341
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) 335
PROVIDE directive 94
pull-up resistors 272
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals 178
quantization 212
quantization error 213
quantization noise 213
quick wake-up time 386
RCC AHB1 Peripheral Clock Enable Register (RCC_AHB1ENR) 41
read bit 264
read data register not empty (RXNE) 201
read/write (R/W) bit 266
Real-Time Clock (RTC) 302
importance 303
use cases 302
working 302
real-time operating systems (RTOSs) 168, 178
Receive Buffer Register Not Empty (RXNE) flag 275
reference voltage (VREF) 214
registers 43
definitions 49, 50
manipulation 49
regular channels
versus injected channels 218
Reload value update (RVU) 341
relocatable file 62
remote IoT devices 387
repeated start condition 264
Reset and Clock Control (RCC) 27, 41, 132, 345
resistor-capacitor (RC) oscillator 339
restart condition 274
RM0383 40
RTC alarms 387, 389
interrupt handling 389
RTC configuration 389
RTC driver
BCD format 323
developing 313
header file 326, 327
implementation file 313-322
main file 327-329
RTC registers 311
RTC Alarm Registers (RTC_ALRMAR and RTC_ALRMBR) 313
RTC Control Register (RTC_CR) 312
RTC Date Register (RTC_DR) 311
RTC Initialization and Status Register (RTC_ISR) 312
RTC Prescaler Register (RTC_PRER) 312
RTC Time Register (RTC_TR) 311
RTC Wakeup Timer Register (RTC_WUTR) 313
sampling frequency 212
sampling intervals 212
sampling rate 212
scan mode (SCAN) 219
SD card
data, logging for industrial equipment 195
allocatable 83
attributes 83
definitions 85, 86
implications 83
loadable 83
non-loadable, non-allocatable 83
SECTIONS directive 89
usage example 89-91
sensor monitoring 386
Serial Clock (SCK) 234
Serial Clock (SCL) 262
serial communication 190
asynchronous protocol 190
synchronous protocol 190
versus parallel communication 190
Serial Data In (SDI) 234
Serial Data Out (SDO) 234
Serial Data (SDA) 262
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 36, 190-194, 231-234
advantages 193
disadvantages 193
features 193, 234
interface 234
use cases 195
working 236
shared EXTI lines 294
Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instruction sets 139
Slave Select (SS) 234
sleep mode 386
smart agriculture
environmental monitoring system 196
smart doorbell system 389
smart home lighting system 389
software interrupts 100
solar-powered environmental monitor case study 385
clock gating 385
DVFS 385
low-power modes 385
power gating 385
Source Control Management (SCM) 119
SPI Control Register 1 (SPI_CR1) 239
SPI Data Register 1 (SPI_DR) 240
SPI driver
ADXL345 accelerometer 248
CS management 248
data reception 247
data transmitting with SPI 247
developing 240-244
GPIO initialization for SPI 245
header file 248
macros, defining 244
SPI1 configuration 246, 247
SPI interface 234, 236
SPI registers 239
SPI Control Register 1 (SPI_CR1) 239
SPI Data Register 1 (SPI_DR) 240
SPI Status Register 1 (SPI_SR) 240
SPI speed 238
SPI Status Register 1 (SPI_SR) 240
stack pointer 103
standby flag (SBF) 394
standby mode 387
start bit 198
start condition 263, 264
start conversion of regular channels (SWSTART) 220
startup file
default handler 111
external symbol declarations 108
function prototypes and attributes 109, 110
reset handler implementation 112, 113
testing 113, 114
vector table definition 110, 111
writing 106
static acceleration of gravity 251
static random access memory (SRAM) 80, 81
status register (SR) 181, 224
navigating 17-20
setting up 3-5
STM32 External Interrupt (EXTI) controller 285, 292
external interrupt/event line mapping 294
EXTI lines 294
features 293
GPIO pins 294
lines, configuring as interrupt resources 293
STM32F4 ADC peripheral 216
ADC channels 216
regular channels, versus injected channels 218
STM32F4 DMA block diagram
key STM32 DMA registers 358
STM32F4 DMA block diagram 356, 358
STM32F4 microcontroller
channel selection 354
DMA data modes 355
DMA modules 353
DMA transactions 354
double buffer mode 355
I2C peripherals 267
key features 354
low-power modes 385
transfer modes 355
STM32F4 microcontroller, transfer modes
memory-to-memory mode 355
memory-to-peripheral mode 355
peripheral-to-memory mode 355
STM32F4 RTC module
alarms 308
backup and control registers 310
backup registers 310
calibration and synchronization 309
clock sources 305
components 305
control registers 310
output control 310
prescalers 306
tamper detection 309
time and date registers 307
wakeup timer 308, 309
STM32F4 SPI peripherals 238
key features 238
SPI registers 239
STM32F4 UART peripheral 200
USART_BRR register 201
USART_CR1 register 202
USART_DR register 201
USART_SR register 200
stm32f411 memory map 80
STM32F411 microcontroller 180
STM32F411xC/E microcontroller series 150
ports, features 150
STM32 flash memory
attributes 81
STM32 GPIO registers 151
configuration registers 151
data registers 151
STM32 IWDG 338
features 339
working 339, 340
STM32 memory model 80
flash memory 80, 81
peripheral memory 82
static random access memory (SRAM) 80, 81
STM32 RTC module 304
features 304
attributes 82
STM32 timers 179
advanced timers 180
general-purpose timers 180
timer clock prescaling 182, 183
UEV computing 183, 184
working 181
STMicroelectronics 24
datasheet 15
documentation 15
documents, obtaining 16, 17
Reference Manual (RM) 15
User Manual (UM) 15
st_nucleo_f4 series 75
stop bit 198
stop condition 264
stop mode 386, 387
stream 353
structure-based register access method
evaluating 136-138
in linker scripts 87, 96-98
synchronous communication 190
synchronous mode (USART) 200
SYSCFG_EXTICR configuration 294
system clock (SYSCLK) 182
System Control Register (SCR) 386
system events 389
system monitoring 168
System Tick (SysTick) timer 167, 168
driver, developing 171-175
features 168
registers 168
use cases 168
System Viewer Description (SVD) 140
SysTick Calibration Value Register 171
SysTick Control and Status Register (SYST_CSR) 169
SysTick Current Value Register 170
SysTick Reload Value Register (SYST_RVR) 169, 170
SysTick timer 178
task scheduling 168
threshold-level buffering 354
tilt-sensing 252
Timer counter (TIMx_CNT) 183
timer driver
developing 184-187
time register (RTC_TR) 307
Timer prescaler (TIMx_PSC) 183
timers 36, 177
timers, use cases 178
delay generation 179
event trigger 179
time interval measurement 178
time tracking 168
transmission complete (TC) 201
transmit data register empty (TXE) 201
tri-state buffering 236
type cast 51
UART data packet
parity bit 198
start bit 198
stop bit 198
UART DMA driver
developing 364-370
DMA configuration, for UART reception 371
DMA configuration, for UART transmission 371
DMA initialization 371
helper functions 372
interrupt handlers 372, 373
project, testing 374
UART initialization 371
UART driver
developing 202-209
UG bit 181
UL suffix 50
universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) 36, 189-196, 234, 345
advantages 192
baud rate 199
disadvantages 192
features 192
interface 197
use cases 194
working 197
unsigned int * expression 51
Update Event Frequency (UEV)
computing 183, 184
update events (UEVs) 181
update interrupt flag (UIF) 181
USART Baud Rate Register (USART_BRR) 201
fraction field 201
mantissa field 201
USART Control Register 1 (USART_CR1) 202
parity control enable (PCE) 202
parity selection (PS) 202
receiver enable (RE) 202
transmitter enable (TE) 202
USART enable (UE) 202
word length (M) 202
USART Data Register (USART_DR) 201
functions 201
USART Status Register (USART_SR) 200
overrun error (ORE) 201
read data register not empty (RXNE) 201
transmission complete (TC) 201
transmit data register empty (TXE) 201
use cases, RTC
alarm clocks 303
data logging 302
User Program Files 142
virtual memory address (VMA) 84, 92, 93
volatile keyword 51
Wait For Event (WFE) 385
Wait For Interrupt (WFI) 385
wake-up sources 388
external interrupts 388
internal events 389
practical considerations 390
RTC alarms 389
wakeup timer 308, 309
watchdog timers (WDTs) 333, 334
automotive systems 335
consumer electronics 335
external WDTs 337
industrial automation 335
internal WDTs 336
IWDGs 337
medical devices 335
practical considerations 336
selecting 338
windowed WDTs (WWDTs) 337
working 334
wearable fitness tracker 390
windowed WDTs (WWDTs) 337, 338
features 337
write bit 264