Further reading
This chapter covered many topics. If you like to dive deeper, we’re happy to share some useful resources with you:
- [1] Berners-Lee, T. and Fischetti, M. (1999). Weaving the web: the original design and ultimate destiny of the world wide web by its inventor. New York, Ny: Harper Collins Publishers
- [2] CERN (2019). A short history of the Web | CERN. [online] Home.cern. Available at https://home.cern/science/computing/birth-web/short-history-web.
- [3] Lie, H.W. (1994). Cascading HTML Style Sheets -- A Proposal. [online] www.w3.org. Available at https://www.w3.org/People/howcome/p/cascade.html.
- [4] Fuchs, M. (2022). Aurora Incident Response. [online] GitHub. Available at https://github.com/cyb3rfox/Aurora-Incident-Response.
- [5] Twitter. (n.d.). mathis_fuchs. [online] Available at https://twitter.com/mathias_fuchs.
- [6] Ablon, L. and Bogart, A. (2017). Zero Days, Thousands of Nights: The Life and Times of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities and Their...