Technical requirements
These are the software packages (and relevant version numbers) used to write this book and test the source code:
- Visual Studio 2022 Community edition 17.0.0 with the optional ASP.NET and web development workload (it can be selected from the Workloads section within the Visual Studio installer app)
- Microsoft .NET 6 SDK 6.0.100
- TypeScript 4.3
- NuGet package manager 6.0
- Node.js 14.15.0 (we strongly suggest installing it using Node Version Manager, also known as nvm)
- Angular 13.0.1
We strongly suggest using the same version used within this book – or newer, but at your own risk! Jokes aside, if you prefer to use a different version, that’s perfectly fine, as long as you are aware that, in that case, you may need to make some manual changes and adjustments to the source code.
The code files for this book can be found here: