Configuring HCatalog
Assuming that Hive has been configured in the remote metastore, let's look into how to install and configure HCatalog.
Getting ready
The HCatalog CLI supports these command-line options:
Option |
Usage |
Description |
The HCatalog table, which needs to be created, must have the group " |
The HCatalog table, which needs to be created, must have permissions " |
Tells HCatalog that |
Treat the following string as a DDL command and execute it. |
Pass the key-value pair to HCatalog as a Java System Property. |
Prints a usage message. |
How to do it...
Hive 0.11.0 HCatalog is packaged with Hive binaries. Because we have already configured Hive, we could access the HCatalog command-line hcat
command on shell. The script is available at the hcatalog/bin