- -alias tool / How it works...
- -a [action] / There's more...
- activities
- enumerating / Enumerating activities, There's more..., See also
- launching / Launching activities, How to do it..., How it works...
- activity manager
- interacting with, ADB used / Interacting with the activity manager via ADB, How to do it…, There's more...
- used, for intent sniffing / Passive intent sniffing via the activity manager, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- about / Using the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to interact with the AVDs, Interacting with the activity manager via ADB
- using, to interact with AVD / Using the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to interact with the AVDs, There's more…
- applications, installing onto AVD / Installing applications onto the AVDs via ADB
- used, for activity manager interaction / Interacting with the activity manager via ADB, How to do it…, There's more...
- used, for application...