Base Connect charges
You might think that Connect is just like an on-premises phone system, and there is a barrier-to-entry cost. But you would be wrong. This is one of those times where it feels good to be incorrect, right? One of the most significant cost savings with Connect is that you don't have that huge upfront expenditure as you do with other systems. The software, since there isn't any hardware, is free. This fact will put your project at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands in capital ahead of any conventional system.
A word of caution: prepare to explain this discrepancy to management if you are replacing an existing system. This explanation will become even more critical if you aren't running other cloud workloads and management isn't used to the costing models. You won't want them to think that you are somehow misrepresenting the costs for a favorable outcome. The discussion shouldn't be that difficult, but it might...