Ideation – what’s possible, what’s desirable, and what’s probable
There are multiple ways in which a product could stand to benefit from AI adoption. Understanding the Venn diagram of what’s probable, what’s desirable, and what’s possible is an important part of your AI product strategy. Clarify the distinction between the ideal outcomes you’d like to achieve (desirable), the technical feasibility of those outcomes (possible), and the viable options you can explore based on current constraints, data, and priorities (probable).

Figure 14.1: The Venn diagram for ideation
As an AI PM, you must asses your wish list (what’s desirable) against the constraints you face (what’s possible) to identify the probabilistic or most realistic choices that you can then focus on. As you continue this exercise, you’ll go through a spectrum of possibilities. You’ll start with a really open-ended, right-brain...