We know machine learning is being used to do a whole lot of things from spam filtering to self-driving cars.
15 applications of machine learning
Following are ML applications that have become newsworthy on Twitter over a duration of one month. Our favorite is automatic multimedia tagging (duh! which editor wouldn’t like that!?).
1. Sepsis (Hospital's silent killer) detection
Using machine learning for real time understanding of patient safety risks via @maxwele2
2. Multimedia Content Scaling
Automatically tagging multimedia using AI would make searching for content so much easier. via @AnujRajbhandari
3. Making roads safe
Using machine learning to make zebra crossings safer (caveat: as long as onus not on peds & cyclists to change) via @AlixKroeger
4. Managing Retail supply chain
Manufacturing has been using #AI for some time, it is really now just starting to spread to retail supply chain. via @PaaSDev
5. Tracking and surveillance for law enforcement
Is part of the future of #journalism big-data analysis? EG using Machine Learning & data to uncover hidden stories? via @LeonLidigu
6. Identifying cancers through gene study
Using machine learning algorithms to identify genes essential for cell survival. via @dobebig
7. Designing animal product substitutes
The Not Company (NotCo) is using machine learning to create vegetarian substitutes for animal products. Via @MarinaSpindler
8. Improving crop yield
Phenotyping: Using Machine Learning for Improved Pairwise Genotype Classification Based on Root Traits. via @lukelliw
9. Rapidly discover new drug treatments for diseases
Very cool approach to using machine learning to find new therapies. via @HighResBio
10. Engineering wood
Materialize.X is using machine learning to disrupt the $300B engineered wood industry. via @prafiles
11. Profiling voters
Using machine learning to profile German party voters. via @HalukaMB
12. Facial Recognition
Apple is using machine learning for Face ID. via @VentureBeat
13. Managing e-commerce backend
Amazon has big plans for using machine learning to improve their supply chain. via @boxtoninc
14. Insurance pricing
Using machine learning for insurance pricing optimization via @Ronald_vanLoon
15. Code free accounting
Rod Drury on using machine learning and AI for code free accounting. via @DamiaanvZ
What is your favorite use case for machine learning?
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