In this article by Chris Dickinson, the author of Unity 5 Game Optimization, you will learn how scripting consumes a great deal of our development time and how it will be enormously beneficial to learn some best practices in optimizing scripts.
Scripting is a very broad term, so we will try to limit our exposure in this article to situations that are Unity specific, focussing on problems arising from within the Unity APIs and Engine design.
Whether you have some specific problems in mind that we wish to solve or whether you just want to learn some techniques for future reference, this article will introduce you to methods that you can use to improve your scripting effort now and in the future. In each case, we will explore how and why the performance issue arises, an example situation where the problem is occurring, and one or more solutions to combat the issue.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
A common mistake when scripting in Unity is to overuse the GetComponent() method. For example, the following script code is trying to check a creature's health value, and if its health goes below 0, then disable a series of components to prepare it for a death animation:
void TakeDamage() {
if (GetComponent<HealthComponent>().health < 0) {
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().enabled = false;
GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = false;
GetComponent<AIControllerComponent>().enabled = false;
Each time this method executes, it will reacquire five different Component references. This is good in terms of heap memory consumption (in that, it doesn't cost any), but it is not very friendly on CPU usage. This is particularly problematic if the main method were called during Update(). Even if it is not, it still might coincide with other important events such as creating particle effects, replacing an object with a ragdoll (thus invoking various activity in the physics engine), and so on. This coding style can seem harmless, but it could cause a lot of long-term problems and runtime work for very little benefit.
It costs us very little memory space (only 32 or 64 bits each; Unity version, platform and fragmentation-permitting) to cache these references for future usage. So, unless we're extremely bottlenecked on memory, a better approach will be to acquire the references during initialization and keep them until they are needed:
private HealthComponent _healthComponent;
private Rigidbody _rigidbody;
private Collider _collider;
private AIControllerComponent _aiController;
private Animator _animator;
void Awake() {
_healthComponent = GetComponent<HealthComponent>();
_rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
_collider = GetComponent<Collider>();
_aiController = GetComponent<AIControllerComponent>();
_animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
void TakeDamage() {
if (_healthComponent.health < 0) {
_rigidbody.detectCollisions = false;
_collider.enabled = false;
_aiController.enabled = false;
Caching the Component references in this way spares us from reacquiring them each time they're needed, saving us some CPU overhead each time, at the expense of some additional memory consumption.
There are several variations of the GetComponent() method, and it becomes prudent to call the fastest version of this method as possible. The three overloads available are GetComponent(string), GetComponent<T>(), and GetComponent(typeof(T)). It turns out that the fastest version depends on which version of Unity we are running.
In Unity 4, the GetComponent(typeof(T)) method is the fastest of the available options by a reasonable margin. Let's prove this with some simple testing:
int numTests = 1000000;
TestComponent test;
using (new CustomTimer("GetComponent(string)", numTests)) {
for (var i = 0; i < numTests; ++i) {
test = (TestComponent)GetComponent("TestComponent");
using (new CustomTimer("GetComponent<ComponentName>", numTests)) {
for (var i = 0; i < numTests; ++i) {
test = GetComponent<TestComponent>();
using (new CustomTimer("GetComponent(typeof(ComponentName))",
numTests)) {
for (var i = 0; i < numTests; ++i) {
test = (TestComponent)GetComponent(typeof(TestComponent));
This code tests each of the GetComponent() overloads one million times. This is far more tests than would be sensible for a typical project, but it is enough tests to prove the point.
Here is the result we get when the test completes:
As we can see, GetComponent(typeof(T)) is significantly faster than GetComponent<T>(), which is around five times faster than GetComponent(string). This test was performed against Unity 4.5.5, but the behavior should be equivalent all the way back to Unity 3.x.
The GetComponent(string) method should not be used, since it is notoriously slow and is only included for completeness.
These results change when we run the exact same test in Unity 5. Unity Technologies made some performance enhancements to how System.Type references are passed around in Unity 5.0 and as a result, GetComponent<T>() and GetComponent(typeof(T)) become essentially equivalent:
As we can see, the GetComponent<T>() method is only a tiny fraction faster than GetComponent(typeof(T)), while GetComponent(string) is now around 30 times slower than the alternatives (interestingly, it became even slower than it was in Unity 4). Multiple tests will probably yield small variations in these results, but ultimately we can favor either of the type-based versions of GetComponent() when we're working in Unity 5 and the outcome will be about the same.
However, there is one caveat. If we're running Unity 4, then we still have access to a variety of quick accessor properties such as collider, rigidbody, camera, and so on. These properties behave like precached Component member variables, which are significantly faster than all of the traditional GetComponent() methods:
int numTests = 1000000;
Rigidbody test;
using (new CustomTimer("Cached reference", numTests))
for (var i = 0; i < numTests; ++i) {
test = gameObject.rigidbody;
Note that this code is intended for Unity 4 and cannot be compiled in Unity 5 due to the removal of the rigidbody property.
Running this test in Unity 4 gives us the following result:
In an effort to reduce dependencies and improve code modularization in the Engine's backend, Unity Technologies deprecated all of these quick accessor variables in Unity5. Only the transform property remains.
Unity 4 users considering an upgrade to Unity 5 should know that upgrading will automatically modify any of these properties to use the GetComponent<T>() method. However, this will result in un-cached GetComponent<T>() calls scattered throughout our code, possibly requiring us to revisit the techniques introduced in the earlier section titled Cache Component References.
The moral of the story is that if we are running Unity 4, and the required Component is one of GameObject's built-in accessor properties, then we should use that version. If not, then we should favor GetComponent(typeof(T)). Meanwhile, if we're running Unity5, then we can favor either of the type-based versions: GetComponent<T>() or GetComponent(typeof(T)).
When we create new MonoBehaviour script files in Unity, irrespective we're using Unity 4 or Unity 5, it creates two boiler-plate methods for us:
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
The Unity Engine hooks in to these methods during initialization and adds them to a list of methods to call back to at key moments. But, if we leave these as empty declarations in our codebase, then they will cost us a small overhead whenever the Engine invokes them.
The Start() method is only called when the GameObject is instantiated for the first time, which could be whenever the Scene is loaded, or a new GameObject is instantiated from a Prefab. Therefore, leaving the empty Start() declaration may not be particularly noticeable unless there's a lot of GameObjects in the Scene invoking them at startup time. But, it also adds unnecessary overhead to any GameObject.Instantiate() call, which typically happens during key events, so they could potentially contribute to, and exacerbate, an already poor performance situation when lots of events are happening simultaneously.
Meanwhile, the Update() method is called every time the Scene is rendered. If our Scene contains thousands of GameObjects owning components with these empty Update() declarations, then we can be wasting a lot of CPU cycles and cause havoc on our frame rate.
Let's prove this with a simple test. Our test Scene should have GameObjects with two types of components. One type is with an empty Update() declaration and another with no methods defined:
public class CallbackTestComponent : MonoBehaviour {
void Update () {}
public class EmptyTestComponent : MonoBehaviour {
Here are the test results for 32,768 components of each type. If we enable all objects with no stub methods during runtime, then nothing interesting happens with CPU usage in the Profiler. We may note that some memory consumption changes and a slight difference in the VSync activity, but nothing very concerning. However, as soon as we enable all the objects with empty Unity callback declarations, then we will observe a huge increase in CPU usage:
The fix for this is simple; delete the empty declarations. Unity will have nothing to hook into, and nothing will be called. Sometimes, finding such empty declarations in an expansive codebase can be difficult, but using some basic regular expressions (regex), we should be able to find what we're looking for relatively easily.
All common code-editing tools for Unity, such as MonoDevelop, Visual Studio, and even Notepad++, provide a way to perform a regex-based search on the entire codebase–check the tool's documentation for more information, since the method can vary greatly depending on the tool and its version.
The following regex search should find any empty Update() declarations in our code:
This regex checks for a standard method definition of the Update() method, while including any surplus whitespace and newline characters that can be distributed throughout the method declaration.
Naturally, all of the above is also true for non-boilerplate Unity callbacks, such as OnGUI(), OnEnable(), OnDestroy(), FixedUpdate(), and so on. Check the MonoBehaviour Unity Documentation page for a complete list of these callbacks at http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.html.
It might seem unlikely that someone generated empty versions of these callbacks in our codebase, but never say never. For example, if we use a common base class MonoBehaviour throughout all of our custom components, then a single empty callback declaration in that base class will permeate the entire game, which could cost us dearly. Be particularly careful of the OnGUI() method, as it can be invoked multiple times within the same frame or user interface (UI) event.
In this article, you have learned how you can optimize scripts while creating less CPU and memory-intensive applications and games. You learned about the Cache Component references and how you can optimize a code using the fastest method. For more information on code optimization, you can visit:
Further resources on this subject: