(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
NFS storage is a fairly common type of storage that is quite easy to set up and run even without special equipment. You can take the server with large disks and create NFS directory.But despite the apparent simplicity of NFS, setting s should be done with attention to details.
Make sure that the NFS directory is suitable for use; go to the procedure of connecting storage to the data center. The following options are displayed after you click on the Configure Storage dialog box in which we specify the basic storage configuration:
Fill in the required storage settings and click on the OK button; this will start the process of connecting storage.
The following image shows the New Storage dialog box with the connecting NFS storage:
This section will explain how to connect the iSCSI storage to the data center with the type of storage as iSCSI. You can skip this section if you do not use iSCSI storage.
iSCSI is a technology for building SAN (Storage Area Network). A key feature of this technology is the transmission of SCSI commands over the IP networks. Thus, there is a transfer of block data via IP. By using the IP networks, data transfer can take place over long distances and through network equipment such as routers and switches. These features make the iSCSI technology good for construction of low-cost SAN. oVirt supports iSCSI and iSCSI storages that can be connected to oVirt data centers.
Then begin the process of connecting the storage to the data center. After you click on the Configure Storage dialog box in which you specify the basic storage configuration, the following options are displayed:
The following options are present in the search box for iSCSI targets:
Click on the Discover button and oVirt Engine connects to the specified server for the searching of iSCSI targets. In the resulting list, click on the designated targets, we click on the Login button to authenticate. Upon successful completion of the authentication, the display target LUN will be displayed; check it and click on OK to start connection to the data center. New storage will automatically connect to the data center. If it does not, select the location from the list and click on the Attach button in the detail pane where we choose a target data center.
If you have selected Fibre Channel when creating the data center, we should create a Fibre Channel storage domain. oVirt supports Fibre Channel storage based on multiple preconfigured Logical Unit Numbers (LUN). Skip this section if you do not use Fibre Channel equipment.
Begin the process of connecting the storage to the data center. Open the Guide Me wizard and click on the Configure Storage dialog box where you specify the basic storage configuration:
In the area below, the list of LUNs are displayed, enable the Add LUN checkbox on the selected LUN to use it as Fibre Channel data storage.
Click on the OK button and this will start the process of connecting storage to the data centers. In the Storage tab and in the list of storages, we can see created Fibre Channel storage. In the process of connecting, its status will change and at the end new storage will be activated and connected to the data center. The connection process can also be seen in the event pane.
The following screenshot shows the New Storage dialog box with Fibre Channel storage type:
GlusterFS is a distributed, parallel, and linearly scalable filesystem. GlusterFS can combine the data storage that are located on different servers into a parallel network filesystem. GlusterFS's potential is very large, so developers directed their efforts towards the implementation and support of GlusterFS in oVirt (GlusterFS documentation is available at http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Main_Page). oVirt 3.3 has a complete data center with the GlusterFS type of storage.
Before attempting to connect GlusterFS storage into the data center, we need to create the volume. The procedure of creating GlusterFS volume is common in all versions.
The following screenshot shows the dialog box of Create Volume:
The following screenshot shows the Add Bricks dialog box:
Now that we have GlusterFS volume, we select it from the list and click on Start.
oVirt 3.3 has support for creating data centers with the GlusterFS storage type:
The created storage automatically connects to the specified data centers. If not, select the repository created in the list, and in the subtab named Data Center in the detail pane, click on the Attach button and choose our data center. After you click on OK, the process of connecting storage to the data center starts.
The following screenshot shows the New Storage dialog box with the GlusterFS storage type.
In this article we learned how to configure NFS Storage, iSCSI Storage, FC storages, and GlusterFS Storage.
Further resources on this subject: