Quick Cache
By Primo Themes (http://www.primothemes.com/)
Why it's awesome: The easiest and fastest way to improve your blog's speed
Why it was picked: Out of the box setup is almost perfect

Manual Install URL: http://WordPress.org/extend/plugins/quick-cache/
Automatic Install search term: Quick Cache
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: Top Navigation | Quick Cache
Used in: Site-wide
Quick Cache is one of the newest caching plugins available for WordPress, and if I do say so myself, it is awesome! Unlike the other caching systems, Quick Cache requires absolutely no configuration, and in my experience, it "just works". You'll be blown away at how this easy plugin turns your website into a screaming speed demon.
Quick Cache Options explained
While Quick Cache requires no additional setup, it offers a slew of configuration options.
Quick Cache ON/OFF—Enable or disable caching by selecting enabled or disabled from the drop-down box.
Internal Debugging—As of this writing, Internal...