When it comes to blogging, content is king, both for your readers and for the search engine. The more unique content you spread on the internet, the better-off your blog will fare in this competitive landscape. In this chapter, we covered the following:
GD Star Rating—add ratings and ranking to your blog content
Better Tag Cloud—replace WordPress' default lackluster tag cloud with a customizable one
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin—automatically link to similar posts throughout your blog
My Page Order—easily reorder your blog's navigation with drag-and-drop ease
Get Recent Comments—showcase the latest chatter on your blog
Viper's Video Quicktags—quickly include videos from many popular sources
WP Greet Box—greet your visitors differently, based on where they hail from
NextGen Gallery—include dynamic and beautiful slideshows simply
Zemanta—add context, images, and links to related content online
CFormsII—build powerful forms
MapPress—customizable Google Maps embedded into your blog