Enhancing the user interface of your WordPress site
We can see that the UI demos at jQueryUI.com certainly look cool, but now that we've got the UI plugin loaded up in to our project, how do we go about really putting these features to use on a WordPress project? Different types of interfaces can help us organize and relate to various types of information more easily and reduce confusion. WordPress' theme API allows for various types of information to be displayed within the site's design in logical chunks, mostly posts and lists. Let's see if we can enhance any of that information with UI features.
We've seen that the UI plugin offers: accordions, tabs, dialog boxes, date pickers, as well as easy ways to implement drag-and-drop and sorting. Also, if you're using the latest version, 1.8 or higher (as the examples in this chapter are), there are cool widgets such as Autocomplete and Button. Let's pick up another hypothetical client and see how some minor interface enhancements can help their...