Hack hack hooray! Sorry. If you do go further and start manipulating exploits then, as I say, be careful, be legal and, in most cases, use a sandboxed throwaway virtual machine.
Otherwise, refer to the relevant topics here and online to patch any obvious gaps you've found from scans. That done, follow the yellow brick road and the wizardry throughout the book will automagically appease next to all, if not all, of the problems pulled up in this chapter. Then, to play it safe, come back and carry out the scans again, just for fun.
If you found no issues then don't quit following the book. Two words: zero day.
Now we'll shore up weaknesses along the route of the network, starting at the logical and oft-overlooked first hop, the local box with which you connect to your site and server.
... So there's something to look forward to.