Layer Management: Creating, Organizing, and Applying Advanced Features
In this chapter, we will learn about Layers and the various uses and features you can apply to each one. Layers allow us to freely move and edit individual objects within an image or design. This gives us a chance to experiment non-destructively so we know whether the effects or edits will make or break the image or design.
Alongside working freely and experimenting, we can organize Layers by naming each one so we can quickly identify one Layer from another, move a Layer in front or behind another, and group layers into folders. This comes in handy when you have, say, 10, 20, or more Layers to manage. Other Layer features include creating masks, Layer properties, effects, and smart objects.
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
- Understanding layers
- Organizing layers
- Applying masks to layers
- Layer styles (also called layer effects)