The self item class
The first item class we'll create is for an item that affects the player upon usage. Items that players use typically affects their various stats either by adding or removing them or buffing/debuffing them for a certain amount of time. Now let's start scripting; create a new script and name it itemSelf
Adding our variables
Our first set of variables will actually be added outside of our class as they are enum variables:
public enum SelfAction {BuffDebuff, ChangeHP, ChangeArmor, None}; public enum SelfType {Armor, Potion, None};
The first enum we created will be used to pick what the item does. We've got a few options for our items, but this can be expanded and customized to your liking. The second enum we use will determine of what type the item is; for now, we're just checking to see whether it's a potion or armor. Now let's add the rest of our variables:
public GameObject Player; public int Amount, Value, ArmorAmount; public float Weight...