Creating an enemy spawner
The next thing to do is to actually spawn enemies against the player. This can be done in many different ways. Here, we are going to see a simple way to do that.
The key concept is that we have a coroutine that gradually spawns enemies.
If you are not familiar with coroutines, you can check out the following documentation:
Let's get started with opening the EnemyScript
and adding a new variable that holds the position where we want to spawn the enemies. Since we want to set this in the Inspector, we need to set it to public:
public Vector3 SpawnPoint;
Furthermore, we need one more variable, public again, that stores the prefab for the enemy in order to spawn all the enemies:
public GameObject enemyPrefab;
Also, we need some other variables that we are going to use to set how many enemies the coroutine is going to spawn and how fast:
public int numberOfEnemiesToSpawn = 50; public float minSpawnTime =...