Enabling the detection engine and Fleet
Now that we've built and configured security for Elasticsearch and Kibana, let's enable the detection engine and Fleet. The detection engine is how we'll ingest and manage the prebuilt Elastic rules for the Security app and Fleet is how we'll centrally manage collection agents.
Detection engine
The detection engine is where prebuilt detection logic is created and managed for the Security app. Detection logic, as utilized in the Security app, is alerts that are generated by certain different conditions on the endpoints. This is not things such as malware alerts, but more like "a binary is being run from the recycle bin." These rules are hand-created by contributors to the Detection Rules GitHub repository (https://github.com/elastic/detection-rules). We'll spend more time on Detection Rules in the following chapters.
For now, we want to enable the prebuilt rules:
- From your browser, log in to Kibana...