Chapter 10: Data Analysis
Data is everywhere. When planning out a threat hunt there is a myriad of questions that will need to be answered. What types of data does the team need? Where does the team need to collect the data from? What data can the team live without and still be successful? There are three main methods of data collection to be followed. This chapter will cover all of those as well as different methods on how to perceive the data that is analyzed.
In this chapter, we are going to cover the following topics:
- Data collection mindsets
- Direct analysis versus secondary correlation
- Host logs versus network logs
- Automating everything
- Getting everyone on the same page
- Finding everything or nothing
- Scenario A - internal threat hunt
- Scenario B - external threat hunt
By the end of the chapter, you will be able to do the following:
- Discuss the different mindsets when it comes to data collection
- Comprehend the difference...