Advanced topics
Right from the start, you should know that the following topics are rarely encountered in technical interviews. First, let me enumerate these topics as a non-exhaustive list:
- AVL trees (a brief description and an implementation are available in the code bundled with this book)
- Red-Black trees (a brief description and an implementation are available in the code bundled with this book)
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- Rabin-Karp substring search
- The Bellman-Ford algorithm
- The Floyd-Warshall algorithm
- Interval trees
- Minimum spanning trees
- B-trees
- Bipartite graph
- Graph coloring
- P, NP, and NP-complete
- Combinatory and probability
- Regular expressions
- A*
If you have mastered all the problems covered in this book, then I strongly recommend that you continue learning by looking into the aforementioned topics. If you don't do this, then please consider all the problems as having a higher priority than these topics...