Building a strong foundation
Given the difficult career that a CIO or CISO will face, it is imperative that they have a strong foundation. These foundations are based upon choosing the right role and at the right time. Life is usually about making the right choices, and this is even more so in the case of the CIO and CISO roles. In this section, we also will explore in further detail stakeholder management and evaluate a broader set of peers and external parties.
Making the right career choices for yourself
During your career as a CIO or CISO, there will be moments that will define you and what you want to stand for. These are moments of truth, where you have choices to make in terms of your career direction, and each of them may be significantly different from the other.
Choosing job happiness is what I recommend. The phrase job satisfaction is one that I don’t use. The word satisfy to me is not strong enough to convey the joy that your role should bring to you personally...