Using related queries to get insights on new trends
If we want to find more information about the terms that are most associated with the search terms we are looking for, we can use the related queries to obtain queries that are similar to the ones we are searching for. This is useful because it provides not only contextual information but also information about trends that can be further analyzed.
In the next block of code, we will define a series of regions in which we want to look for the related queries for a given timeframe. In this case, we will be looking at the USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. The results will be arranged into a single pandas
geo = ['US','CA','NZ','AU'] d_full = pd.DataFrame() for g in geo: pytrend.build_payload(kw_list=['bitcoin','stocks'], geo=g,timeframe='today 3-m') #get related queries related_queries = pytrend...