Chapter 4. Learning Content Management
Well! You've made it this far, so this chapter will treat you with plenty of examples and practical implementations of media queries, explaining technologies such as SASS, server-side optimizations, parallel downloads, and lots more.
Now that we're on the topic, let's consider this: what is meant by content management? It's not to be confused with content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla!, and the like. Well, what is it then? Content management simply means a process that manages your website's content served to the end users, with the end goal to improve their experience while using your product.
We've talked about this in the previous chapters when using technologies such as picturefill.js
and conditional loading.
Where does content management originate from? What do we need to manage on a website? Well, mostly multimedia elements, pictures, videos, and audio, but that's not all. Your DOM elements...