Testing the sensors
In this section, we will set up and test the individual components used in the project before we put them together.
Testing the BME280 sensor
In this section, we will test the BME280 sensor (as shown in the following screenshot):
Figure 5.2 – The BME280 Pressure Sensor
The BME280 Pressure Sensor can be used to measure temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. It comes with an I2C interface, and its address on the I2C bus is 0x77
The sensor is interfaced to the Pico, as shown in the following schematic:
Figure 5.3 – The Fritzing schematic for the BME280 sensor
In the preceding schematic, the sensor is interfaced to the Pico as follows, where the left side of the arrow refers to a pin on the BME280 breakout board, while the right side of the arrow refers to a pin on the Raspberry Pi Pico:
- SCL → GP9
- SDA → GP8
Pull-Up Resistors for...