Building a tweeting weather station
This is a continuation of the project that we built in the previous chapter and that used the temperature and humidity Grove sensor with the Raspberry Pi to display the weather conditions. We will be using the same hardware.
The only difference now is that instead of displaying the weather on the terminal, we will be live-tweeting it, and also saving the information into a database for later retrieval.

To revisit the project, we should go through it once again by turning to Chapter 9, Grove Sensors and the Raspberry Pi. Much of the code that was used previously will be used again, with the addition of the blocks where we tweet the information and save it in a database. For this project, it is recommended that you make a new Twitter account and create a new app on it to get the Consumer and Access codes.
The full Python script is presented next. We know what most of the code does because of the previous projects that we have built, including the weather station...