Density analysis and heatmaps
Density maps allow visual estimation of object or event concentration over the study area. Such maps are very useful for assessment of the distribution patterns of the features over the study area. When we simply add locations of the features or events (for example, as points) to the map, we cannot see the changes in their concentration in different areas. Density analysis gives us such functionality by using uniform area characteristics, such as feature count per acre or square kilometer.
A density map gives us the ability to estimate the concentration of some features within an area. This helps us find areas where an urgent reaction is required or which match your criteria. Heatmaps also help control conditions and their changes.
Density maps are also extremely useful when mapped regions (for example, districts) have different sizes. For example, if we want to know how many people live in each district, we just need an ordinal map with the population data. According...