The Flask Web Framework
Flask is a web framework that we can use to easily build a web application. Web applications usually need some core functionalities, such as interacting with client requests, routing URLs to resources, rendering web pages, and interacting with backend databases. A web application framework such as Flask provides the necessary packages, modules that do the heavy lifting. So, as a developer, we only need to focus on the actual application logic.
There are, of course, other available web frameworks available on the market. One strong competitor of Flask is Django. It is also a Python web framework. The reason why we choose Flask in this book is that Flask is minimalistic. It is regarded as a micro-web-framework that only provides the absolutely essential packages for developers to start with. Because of that, it is easy to learn and is great for beginners.
And later, if we want to build further functions, there is a vast number of Flask extensions. You will see the power of Flask as we progress in this book.