- background color
- of home page, changing / Time for action—Changing the main page background color
- of blocks, changing / Changing the blocks background colors, Time for action—Changing the default blocks' background color, What just happened?
- of exclusive blocks, changing / Time for action—Changing the exclusive blocks' background color
- of CATEGORIES block header, changing / Time for action—Changing the background color of the CATEGORIES block header
- of footer, changing / Time for action—Changing the background color of the footer, What just happened?
- of header user block, changing / Time for action—Changing the header user block background color, What just happened?
- background images
- modifying, by editing CSS / Editing CSS to modify background images, Time for action—Basic CSS editing for modifying background images
- image information, viewing / Time for action—Viewing image information
- location, finding / Time for action—Viewing image information
- appropriate images, finding / Time for action—Finding the appropriate images
- images, repeating horizontally / Time for action—Repeating images horizontally
- images, repeating vertically / Time for action—Repeating images vertically
- images, repeating horizontally and vertically / Time for action—Repeating images horizontally and vertically
- image, using with no repetition / Time for action—Using image with no repetition
- changing, for new theme / Changing the background images for your new theme
- background pattern, changing / Time for action—Adding a background pattern
- block header background image, changing / Time for action—Changing the block header background image
- image in blocks, replacing / Have a go hero—Replacing image in the blocks
- positioning / Positioning background image
- background pattern
- adding / Time for action—Adding a background pattern
- back office administration panel
- preferences tab / Preferences
- catalog tab / Catalog
- modules tab / Modules
- tools tab / Tools
- block background images, footer.tpl
- replacing / Time for action—Replacing the block header tabs and block background images
- block content color, footer.tpl
- changing / Time for action—Changing the block content color
- Blockfooterdata / Time for action—Inserting an image in the footer module
- block header
- unique color, making / Have a go hero—Making unique color for each block header
- of default blocks, text color, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text in the block header of the default blocks
- border colors, changing / Have a go hero— Changing all the colors of the borders of the block header
- block header background image
- adding / Time for action—Changing the block header background image
- block header tabs, footer.tpl
- replacing / Time for action—Replacing the block header tabs and block background images
- blocks
- moving / Time for action—Moving the blocks
- background color, changing / Changing the blocks background colors
- default blocks, background color changing / Time for action—Changing the default blocks' background color, What just happened?
- exclusive blocks, background color changing / Time for action—Changing the exclusive blocks' background color
- CATEGORIES block header, background color changing / Time for action—Changing the background color of the CATEGORIES block header
- header, unique color making for / Have a go hero—Making unique color for each block header
- images, replacing / Have a go hero—Replacing image in the blocks
- blocks background colors
- default blocks, background color changing / Time for action—Changing the default blocks' background color, What just happened?
- exclusive blocks, background color changing / Time for action—Changing the exclusive blocks' background color
- CATEGORIES block header, background color changing / Time for action—Changing the background color of the CATEGORIES block header
- unique color for each block header, making / Have a go hero—Making unique color for each block header
- border color
- for default block, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the border for the default block
- of block header, changing / Have a go hero— Changing all the colors of the borders of the block header
- on footer, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the border in the footer
- carousels
- adding, in PrestaShop site / Adding carousels in your PrestaShop site
- jQuery carousel, using / Time for action—Using the jQuery carousel
- jcarousel, positioning within home page / Time for action—Positioning the jcarousel within the home page
- jcarousel, images replacing in / Have a go hero—Replacing images in the jcarousel
- attributes, changing / Time for action—Changing the attributes
- limitations / Limitation
- CART block
- text color, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text in the CART block
- Catalog tab, back office administration panel
- Tracking / Catalog
- Manufacturers / Catalog
- Suppliers / Catalog
- Attributes and groups / Catalog
- Features / Catalog
- Image mapping / Catalog
- Categories block
- installing / Time for action—Installing, enabling, and configuring the Categories block
- configuring / Time for action—Installing, enabling, and configuring the Categories block
- CATEGORIES block header
- background color, changing / Time for action—Changing the background color of the CATEGORIES block header
- center column
- text color, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text in the center column
- lines, modifying / Time for action—Modifying lines in the center column
- center column blocks
- text size, changing / Time for action—Changing the size of the text and font style on the center column blocks
- font size, changing / Time for action—Changing the size of the text and font style on the center column blocks
- center editorial block
- about / The Center Editorial Block
- modifying / Time for action—Modifying the Center Editorial Block
- Homepage logo subheading / Time for action—Modifying the Center Editorial Block
- Homepage's logo image, replacing / Time for action—Modifying the Center Editorial Block
- Homepage logo link, replacing / Time for action—Modifying the Center Editorial Block
- Homepage logo subheading, replacing / Time for action—Modifying the Center Editorial Block
- Update the editor button / Time for action—Modifying the Center Editorial Block
- page, refreshing / Time for action—Modifying the Center Editorial Block
- color, theme
- modifying / Modifying colors in your theme
- scheme, deciding / Time for action—Deciding on a color scheme
- main page background color, changing / Time for action—Changing the main page background color
- in FEATURED PRODUCTS block, changing / Changing the color in the FEATURED PRODUCTS block
- FEATURED PRODUCTS block, background color changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the background for the FEATURED PRODUCTS block , What just happened?
- FEATURED PRODUCTS block tab color, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the tab for the FEATURED PRODUCTS block, What just happened?
- footer, background color changing / Time for action—Changing the background color of the footer, What just happened?
- header user block, background color changing / Time for action—Changing the header user block background color, What just happened?
- background color changing, code added / Have a go hero— Adding code in a section to change the background color
- color scheme
- URL / Modifying colors in your theme
- deciding / Time for action—Deciding on a color scheme
- color scheme, PrestaShop theme
- selecting / Time for action—Choosing a color scheme
- columns in one place
- text color, changing / Have a go hero— Changing the color of the text in the columns in one place
- URL / What you need to know
- about / A brief background to Cascading Style Sheets
- syntax / CSS syntax
- files, functions / CSS syntax
- editing, to modify background images / Editing CSS to modify background images, Time for action—Basic CSS editing for modifying background images
- compressing properties / Compressing properties
- CSS files, PrestaShop
- about / Time for action—Getting to know the PrestaShop CSS files, scenes.css
- global.css / Time for action—Getting to know the PrestaShop CSS files, global.css
- maintenance.css / Time for action—Getting to know the PrestaShop CSS files, maintenance.css
- scenes.css / Time for action—Getting to know the PrestaShop CSS files, scenes.css
- functions / CSS syntax
- maintenance mode, modifying / Time for action—Modifying the maintenance mode
- css folder / Time for action—Creating a new theme directory
- currency block / Time for action—Modifying the Top of pages
- Cynthia Says
- URL / Where to validate?
- default block
- text size, changing / Time for action—Changing the size of the text in the default block
- border color, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the border for the default block
- default layout
- about / The default layout
- default theme
- changes, making / Making the most basic change to the default theme, What just happened?
- looks changing, simple CSS editing used / Have a go hero—Changing looks through simple CSS editing
- default theme file
- copying / Copying the default theme file
- editors
- URL / What you need to know
- exclusive blocks
- text color, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text in the exclusive blocks (CART, SPECIALS)
- favicon
- about / Logo
- replacing, on site / Time for action—Replacing the default logo and favicon on your site
- enabling / The FEATURED PRODUCTS block
- adding / Time for action—Adding the FEATURED PRODUCTS block
- item, adding as featured product / Time for action—Adding an item as a Featured Product
- Catalog section / Time for action—Adding an item as a Featured Product
- product, removing / Time for action—Adding an item as a Featured Product
- editing / Time for action—To edit, display, or delete a Featured Product
- deleting / Time for action—To edit, display, or delete a Featured Product
- displaying / Time for action—To edit, display, or delete a Featured Product
- new product, adding / Time for action—Adding a new product to your FEATURED PRODUCTS block
- color, changing / Changing the color in the FEATURED PRODUCTS block
- background color, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the background for the FEATURED PRODUCTS block , What just happened?
- tab color, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the tab for the FEATURED PRODUCTS block, What just happened?
- text color, changing / Time for action— Changing the color of the text in the FEATURED PRODUCTS block
- interactivity, adding / Adding interactivity in the Featured Products block
- moving box, adding / Time for action—Adding a moving box in the Featured Products block
- Featured Products block, footer.tpl
- information, omitting / Time for action—Omitting some information from the Featured Products block, What just happened?
- Firebug
- URL / What you need to know
- URL, for downloading / Getting to know the basics of PrestaShop theme
- font size
- on center column blocks, changing / Time for action—Changing the size of the text and font style on the center column blocks
- footer.tpl
- about / footer.tpl, What just happened?
- footer.tpl, PrestaShop store
- navigation changing, third party modules used / Time for action—Changing the navigation by using third party modules
- top menu bar, item adding on / Time for action—Adding an item on the top menu bar
- information, omitting from Featured Products block / Time for action—Omitting some information from the Featured Products block, What just happened?
- block header tabs, replacing / Time for action—Replacing the block header tabs and block background images
- block background images, replacing / Time for action—Replacing the block header tabs and block background images
- module blocks, modifying / Have a go hero—Modifying the module blocks
- block content color, changing / Time for action—Changing the block content color
- footer block
- about / Footer
- new pages, adding / Time for action—Adding new pages on the Footer Link block
- background color, changing / Time for action—Changing the background color of the footer, What just happened?
- text color, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text of the footer
- text size, changing / Time for action—Changing the size of the text and font style on the footer blocks, What just happened?
- font size, changing / Time for action—Changing the size of the text and font style on the footer blocks, What just happened?
- border color, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the border in the footer
- footer module
- image, inserting / Time for action—Inserting an image in the footer module
- gallery view
- about / Gallery view
- adding / Time for action—Adding gallery view
- images, replacing in gallery / Time for action—Replacing images in the gallery
- global.css
- about / global.css
- global.css, third party theme element
- modifying / Time for action—Modifying the global.css for the element theme
- header.tpl
- about / header.tpl
- header.tpl file
- used, for replacing logo / Time for action—Replacing logo using the header.tpl file
- header user block
- background color, changing / Time for action—Changing the header user block background color, What just happened?
- home page
- background color, changing / Time for action—Changing the main page background color
- home page logo
- modifying / Modifying the home page logo
- deleting / Time for action—Deleting the home page logo
- replacing / Time for action—Replacing the home page logo
- Home text editor module
- installing / Time for action—Installing the Home text editor module
- hooks
- about / Hooks
- horizontal menu, top navigation menu bar
- adding / Time for action—Adding a horizontal menu
- horizontal top menu
- categories, inserting / Time for action—Putting Categories in the horizontal top menu
- icons
- replacing / Replacing icons
- selected icons, replacing / Time for action—Replacing selected icons
- default icons replacing, another icon set used / Time for action—Replacing the default icons with another icon set
- replacing, own icon set used / Have a go hero—Replacing all icons using your own
- images
- in blocks, replacing / Have a go hero—Replacing image in the blocks
- inserting, in footer module / Time for action—Inserting an image in the footer module
- img folder / Time for action—Creating a new theme directory
- Installation readme / Have a go hero—Preparing a documentation for your theme
- installing, theme
- on production site / Installing a theme on a production site
- installing, third party theme element
- about / Installing a third party theme "element" to your site
- jcarousel / Adding carousels in your PrestaShop site
- jcarousel modules / Time for action—Using the jQuery carousel
- jgalleryview module dimension
- modifying / Have a go hero—Modifying the jgalleryview module dimension
- jQuery
- about / Knowing jQuery
- jQuery plug-in / Adding carousels in your PrestaShop site
- languages block / Time for action—Modifying the Top of pages
- layout
- main pages, modifying / Time for action—Modifying the layout of the main pages
- logo
- about / Logo
- online resources / Logo
- replacing, on site / Time for action—Replacing the default logo and favicon on your site
- adding / Adding a new logo
- replacing, header.tpl file used / Time for action—Replacing logo using the header.tpl file
- maintenance.css
- about / maintenance.css
- content / maintenance.css
- ID selectors / maintenance.css
- maintenance, ID selectors / maintenance.css
- message.image, ID selectors / maintenance.css
- message, ID selectors / maintenance.css
- maintenance.tpl file / maintenance.css
- maintenance mode screen
- modifying / Time for action—Modifying the maintenance mode
- text color of header, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text of the header on the MANUFACTURERS block
- module
- on page, configuring / Have a go hero—Configuring the module on your page
- module blocks, footer.tpl
- modifying / Have a go hero—Modifying the module blocks
- module files
- third party / Free third party module files used
- modules
- installing / Time for action—Installing and enabling modules
- enabling / Time for action—Installing and enabling modules
- selecting, to install / Have a go hero—Choosing the modules to install
- moving, within column / Time for action—Moving the modules within the column
- modules, PrestaShop 1.3.1
- advertisement / Modules
- products / Modules
- stats engine / Modules
- payment / Modules
- tools / Modules
- blocks / Modules
- stats / Modules
- modules, third party theme element
- transplanting / Have a go hero—Transplanting the modules for the element theme.
- modules, transplanting
- about / Transplanting modules
- Home text editor module, installing / Time for action—Installing the Home text editor module
- blocks, adding / Have a go hero—Adding more blocks
- Categories block, installing / Time for action—Installing, enabling, and configuring the Categories block
- Categories block, enabling / Time for action—Installing, enabling, and configuring the Categories block
- Categories block, configuring / Time for action—Installing, enabling, and configuring the Categories block
- Categories block, three parent category / Time for action—Installing, enabling, and configuring the Categories block
- modules, moving within column / Time for action—Moving the modules within the column
- blocks, moving / Time for action—Moving the blocks
- NEW PRODUCTS block, deleting / Time for action—Moving the blocks
- CART, shifting to top position / Time for action—Moving the blocks
- NEWSLETTERS block, moving / Time for action—Moving the blocks
- module on page, configuring / Have a go hero—Configuring the module on your page
- modules block
- block names, modifying / Time for action—Modifying block names
- modules folder / Time for action—Creating a new theme directory
- modules tab, back office administration panel / Modules
- about / Modules
- modules, installing / Time for action—Installing and enabling modules
- modules, enabling / Time for action—Installing and enabling modules
- modules, selecting to install / Have a go hero—Choosing the modules to install
- modules, positioning / Positioning modules
- moving box
- adding, in Featured Products block / Time for action—Adding a moving box in the Featured Products block
- MVC architecture
- about / Understanding PrestaShop architecture
- navigation, footer.tpl
- changing, third party modules, used / Time for action—Changing the navigation by using third party modules
- online resources, logo
- about / Logo
- online store new theme design
- planning for / Planning for your online store new theme design
- page peel
- about / Page peel
- limitations / Limitations
- page title
- modifying / Time for action—Modifying your page title
- paragraph
- modifying / Modifying the paragraph
- lines in center column, modifying / Time for action—Modifying lines in the center column
- permanent link block / Time for action—Modifying the Top of pages
- PHP code / Get Smarty
- positioning
- background image / Positioning background image
- Powered by PrestaShop
- at footer link, removing / Have a go hero—Removing the "Powered by PrestaShop" at the footer link
- preferences tab, back office administration panel
- about / Preferences
- PrestaShop directory / Preferences
- Enable Shop / Preferences
- Maintenance IP / Preferences
- Enable SSL / Preferences
- Increase Front Office security / Preferences
- Friendly URL / Preferences
- Back Office help boxes / Preferences
- Terms of service / Preferences
- Offer gift-wrapping / Preferences
- Gift-wrapping price / Preferences
- Gift-wrapping tax / Preferences
- Offer recycled-packaging / Preferences
- Cart re-display at login / Preferences
- Round mode / Preferences
- Automatically check updates to modules / Preferences
- Timezone / Preferences
- v1.1 theme compatibility / Preferences
- Contact / Preferences
- Appearance / Preferences
- Meta-Tags / Preferences
- Products / Preferences
- Email / Preferences
- Image / Preferences
- Database / Preferences
- PDF / Preferences
- Localization / Preferences
- Search / Preferences
- Prestashop
- default theme, changes making / Making the most basic change to the default theme
- looks changing, simple CSS editing used / Have a go hero—Changing looks through simple CSS editing
- PrestaShop
- URL, for downloading / What you need to know
- URL, for installing / What you need to know
- installion, URL / What you need to know
- about / Getting familiar with PrestaShop
- sample sites / The PrestaShop sample sites
- back office administration panel, overviewing / Time for action—Overviewing the back office administration panel
- default layout / The default layout
- modules, enabling / Time for action—Installing and enabling modules
- modules, installing / Time for action—Installing and enabling modules
- default theme file, copying / Copying the default theme file
- logo / Logo
- favicon / Logo
- center editorial block / The Center Editorial Block
- top of pages block / Top of pages block
- footer block / Footer
- title / Title, Time for action—Modifying your page title
- modules block / Modules block, Time for action—Modifying block names
- MVC architecture / Understanding PrestaShop architecture
- theming / Visualizing what you want to achieve
- PrestaShop site
- interactivity, adding / Adding more interactivity to your PrestaShop site
- YouTube,adding / Time for action—Adding YouTube or other video element
- video element,adding / Time for action—Adding YouTube or other video element
- YouTube module, installing / Time for action—Installing and enabling the YouTube module
- YouTube module, positioning / Time for action—Positioning the YouTube module, What just happened?
- YouTube module, configuring / Time for action—Configuring the YouTube module
- YouTube module, player setting for / Time for action—Setting the player for the YouTube module
- carousels, adding / Adding carousels in your PrestaShop site
- jQuery carousel, adding / Time for action—Using the jQuery carousel
- jcarousel, positioning within home page / Time for action—Positioning the jcarousel within the home page
- jcarousel, images replacing in / Have a go hero—Replacing images in the jcarousel
- attributes, changing / Time for action—Changing the attributes, Limitation
- gallery view module / Gallery view
- gallery view, adding / Time for action—Adding gallery view
- gallery images, replacing / Time for action—Replacing images in the gallery
- jgalleryview module dimension, modifying / Have a go hero—Modifying the jgalleryview module dimension
- third party theme element, installing / Installing a third party theme "element" to your site
- browsers compatibility, checking / Checking the browser's compatibility
- PrestaShop store
- main pages, layout modifying / Time for action—Modifying the layout of the main pages
- header.tpl / header.tpl
- footer.tpl / footer.tpl
- PrestaShop theme
- basics / Getting to know the basics of PrestaShop theme
- PrestaShop CSS files / Time for action—Getting to know the PrestaShop CSS files
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) / A brief background to Cascading Style Sheets
- colors, modifying / Modifying colors in your theme
- blocks background colors, changing / Changing the blocks background colors
- color in FEATURED PRODUCTS block, changing / Changing the color in the FEATURED PRODUCTS block
- text, modifying / Modifying text
- border color, changing / Changing the color of the border
- paragraph, modifying / Modifying the paragraph, Time for action—Modifying lines in the center column
- changes, saving / Saving your changes
- PrestaShop theming
- prerequisites / What you need to know
- production site
- theme, installing / Installing a theme on a production site
- quick search block / Time for action—Modifying the Top of pages
- requisites / What you need to know
- scenes.css
- about / scenes.css
- search block / Time for action—Modifying the Top of pages
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / What you need to know
- sites
- sample / The PrestaShop sample sites
- Smarty
- URL / What you need to know
- Stockphoto
- URL / What you need to know
- syntax, CSS
- parts / CSS syntax
- selector, parts / CSS syntax
- one or more declarations, parts / CSS syntax
- .tpl files / Time for action—Creating a new theme directory
- tab color, FEATURED PRODUCTS block
- changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the tab for the FEATURED PRODUCTS block, What just happened?
- text
- modifying / Modifying text
- color, changing / Changing the color of the text
- color on block header of default blocks, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text in the block header of the default blocks
- color in FEATURED PRODUCTS block, changing / Time for action— Changing the color of the text in the FEATURED PRODUCTS block
- text color
- on block header of default blocks, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text in the block header of the default blocks
- of header on MANUFACTURERS block, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text of the header on the MANUFACTURERS block
- in exclusive blocks, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text in the exclusive blocks (CART, SPECIALS)
- in top user information block, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text in the top user information block
- on center column, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text in the center column
- in FEATURED PRODUCTS block, changing / Time for action— Changing the color of the text in the FEATURED PRODUCTS block
- in CART block, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text in the CART block
- of columns in one place, changing / Have a go hero— Changing the color of the text in the columns in one place
- text size
- in default block, changing / Time for action—Changing the size of the text in the default block
- on center column blocks, changing / Time for action—Changing the size of the text and font style on the center column blocks
- on footer blocks, changing / Time for action—Changing the size of the text and font style on the footer blocks, What just happened?
- theme
- background images, changing / Changing the background images for your new theme
- background pattern, adding / Time for action—Adding a background pattern
- block header background image, changing / Time for action—Changing the block header background image
- image in blocks, replacing / Have a go hero—Replacing image in the blocks
- page peel / Page peel
- third party module, files / Free third party module files used
- installing, on production site / Installing a theme on a production site
- deploying, from same host / Time for action—Deploying from the same host
- deploying, from another computer / Time for action—Deploying from another computer
- third party theme element, installing to site / Installing a third party theme "element" to your site
- troubleshooting / Have a go hero—Troubleshooting your new theme
- file structure / File structure of a theme
- /themes/[name of the theme]/CSS/ folder / File structure of a theme
- /themes/[name of the theme]/img/ folder / File structure of a theme
- /themes/[name of the theme]/js/ folder / File structure of a theme
- /themes/[name of the theme]/lang/ folder / File structure of a theme
- various.tpl file / File structure of a theme
- index.php file / File structure of a theme
- /themes/[name of the template]/preview.jpg / File structure of a theme
- documentation, preparing / Have a go hero—Preparing a documentation for your theme
- Installation readme / Have a go hero—Preparing a documentation for your theme
- themes directory path / Time for action—Creating a new theme directory
- theming, PrestaShop
- prerequisites / What you need to know
- URL / Visualizing what you want to achieve
- example / Visualizing what you want to achieve
- color scheme, selecting / Time for action—Choosing a color scheme
- identifying / Have a go hero—Identifying a theme to use
- new theme directory, creating / Time for action—Creating a new theme directory
- themes directory path / Time for action—Creating a new theme directory
- img folder / Time for action—Creating a new theme directory
- css folder / Time for action—Creating a new theme directory
- modules folder / Time for action—Creating a new theme directory
- .tpl files / Time for action—Creating a new theme directory
- validating / Validating the theme
- new theme, packaging / Packaging the new theme
- two column theme, creating / Making a two column theme
- third party module, files / Free third party module files used
- third party theme element
- installing, to site / Installing a third party theme "element" to your site
- modules, transplanting / Have a go hero—Transplanting the modules for the element theme.
- global.css, modifying / Time for action—Modifying the global.css for the element theme
- title
- modifying / Time for action—Modifying your page title
- tools tab, back office administration panel
- Languages / Tools
- Translations / Tools
- Tabs / Tools
- Quick Accesses / Tools
- Aliases / Tools
- Import / Tools
- Subdomains / Tools
- DB backup / Tools
- CMS / Tools
- Generators / Tools
- top menu bar, footer.tpl
- item adding on / Time for action—Adding an item on the top menu bar
- top navigation menu bar
- using / Using top navigation menu bar
- horizontal menu, adding / Time for action—Adding a horizontal menu
- Wiznav top navigation bar module, multiple images using / Time for action—Using multiple languages on the Wiznav top navigation bar module
- limitations / Limitations
- color, changing / Time for action—Changing the color and text of the menu bar
- text, changing / Time for action—Changing the color and text of the menu bar
- categories, inserting in horizontal top menu / Time for action—Putting Categories in the horizontal top menu
- top of pages block
- about / Top of pages block
- modifying / Time for action—Modifying the Top of pages
- Currency block / Time for action—Modifying the Top of pages
- Languages block / Time for action—Modifying the Top of pages
- Search block / Time for action—Modifying the Top of pages
- Permanent link block / Time for action—Modifying the Top of pages
- quick search block / Time for action—Modifying the Top of pages
- top user information block
- text color, changing / Time for action—Changing the color of the text in the top user information block
- two column theme
- making / Making a two column theme
- validating
- about / What validating means?
- features / Why validate?
- areas / Where to validate?
- Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) / XHTML
- eXtensible Markup Language (XML) / XML
- process / The validating process
- theme, troubleshooting / Have a go hero—Troubleshooting your new theme
- W3C / Where to validate?
- W3C's
- URL / What you need to know
- WAVE / Where to validate?
- Web Developer extension
- URL, for downloading / Getting to know the basics of PrestaShop theme
- Web developer tool
- URL / What you need to know
- What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editors / What you need to know
- Wiznav top navigation bar module
- multiple languages using / Time for action—Using multiple languages on the Wiznav top navigation bar module
- World Wide Web / Where to validate?
- and CSS / What you need to know
- URL / What you need to know
- about / XML
- YouTube module
- adding / Time for action—Adding YouTube or other video element
- installing / Time for action—Installing and enabling the YouTube module
- positioning / Time for action—Positioning the YouTube module, What just happened?
- configuring / Time for action—Configuring the YouTube module
- player, setting / Time for action—Setting the player for the YouTube module