Modelling SP 500
The value of the stocks of the 500 largest corporations by market capitalization listed on the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq Composite is measured by the S&P 500. Standard & Poor's provides a quick look at the movement of the stock market and economy on the basis of stock prices. The S&P 500 index is the most popular measure used by the financial media and professionals. The S&P 500 index is calculated by taking the sum of the adjusted market capitalization of all S&P 500 stocks and then dividing it with an index divisor developed by Standard & Poor's. The divisor is adjusted when there are stock splits, special dividends, or spinoffs that could affect the value of the index. The divisor ensures that these non-economic factors do not affect the index.
Getting ready
In order to model the S&P 500 index using neural networks, we shall be using a dataset collected from the GSPC
Step 1 - collecting and describing data
The dataset...