Data wrangling, broadly speaking, is the process of gathering data in its raw form and molding it into a form that is suitable for its end use. Preparing data for its end use can branch out into a number of different tasks based on the exact use case. This can make it rather hard to pin down exactly what data wrangling entails, and formulate how to go about it. Nevertheless, there are a number of common steps in the data wrangling process, as outlined in the following subsections. The approach that I will take in this book is to introduce a number of tools and practices that are often involved in data wrangling. Each of the chapters will consist of one or more exercises and/or projects that will demonstrate the application of a particular tool or approach.
Understanding data wrangling
Getting and reading data
The first step is to retrieve a dataset and open it with a program capable of manipulating the data. The simplest way of retrieving a dataset is to find a data file. Python and R can be used to open, read, modify, and save data stored in static files. In Chapter 3, Reading, Exploring, and Modifying Data - Part I, I will introduce the JSON data format and show how to use Python to read, write and modify JSON data. In Chapter 4, Reading, Exploring, and Modifying Data - Part II, I will walk through how to use Python to work with data files in the CSV and XML data formats. In Chapter 6, Cleaning Numerical Data - An Introduction to R and Rstudio, I will introduce R and Rstudio, and show how to use R to read and manipulate data.
Larger data sources are often made available through web interfaces called application programming interfaces (APIs). APIs allow you to retrieve specific bits of data from a larger collection of data. Web APIs can be great resources for data that is otherwise hard to get. In Chapter 8, Getting Data from the Web, I discuss APIs in detail and walk through the use of Python to extract data from APIs.
Another possible source of data is a database. I won't go into detail on the use of databases in this book, though in Chapter 9, Working with Large Datasets, I will show how to interact with a particular database using Python.
Cleaning data
When working with data, you can generally expect to find human errors, missing entries, and numerical outliers. These types of errors usually need to be corrected, handled, or removed to prepare a dataset for analysis.
In Chapter 5, Manipulating Text Data - An Introduction to Regular Expressions, I will demonstrate how to use regular expressions, a tool to identify, extract, and modify patterns in text data. Chapter 5, Manipulating Text Data - An Introduction to Regular Expressions, includes a project to use regular expressions to extract street names.
In Chapter 6, Cleaning Numerical Data - An Introduction to R and Rstudio, I will demonstrate how to use RStudio to conduct two common tasks for cleaning numerical data: outlier detection and NA handling.
Shaping and structuring data
Preparing data for its end use often requires both structuring and organizing the data in the correct manner.
To illustrate this, suppose you have a hierarchical dataset of city populations, as shown in Figure 01:

If the goal is to create a histogram of city populations, the previous data format would be hard to work with. Not only is the information of the city populations nested within the data structure, but it is nested to varying degrees of depth. For the purposes of creating a histogram, it is better to represent the data as a list of numbers, as shown in Figure 02:

Making structural changes like this for large datasets requires you to build programs that can extract the data from one format and put it into another format. Shaping data is an important part of data wrangling because it ensures that the data is compatible with its intended use. In Chapter 4, Reading, Exploring, and Modifying Data - Part II, I will walk through exercises to convert between data formats.
Changing the form of data does not necessarily need to involve changing its structure. Changing the form of a dataset can involve filtering the data entries, reducing the data by category, changing the order of the rows, and changing the way columns are set up.
All of the previously mentioned tasks are features of the dplyr package for R. In Chapter 7, Simplifying Data Manipulation with dplyr, I will show how to use dplyr to easily and intuitively manipulate data.
Storing data
The last step after manipulating a dataset is to store the data for future use. The easiest way to do this is to store the data in a static file. I show how to output the data to a static file in Python in Chapters 3, Reading, Exploring, and Modifying Data - Part I and Chapter 4, Reading, Analyzing, Modifying, and Writing Data - Part II. I show how to do this in R in Chapter 6, Cleaning Numerical Data - An Introduction to R and Rstudio.
When working with large datasets, it can be helpful to have a system that allows you to store and quickly retrieve large amounts of data when needed.
In addition to being a potential source of data, databases can be very useful in the process of data wrangling as a means of storing data locally. In Chapter 9, Working with Large Datasets, I will briefly demonstrate the use of databases to store data.