The project link for generator-node-webkit is
generator-node-webkit is a Yeoman generator for NW.js. Unlike previously reviewed tools, it not only provides an easy way to package NW.js applications, but also enforces good coding standards and comes with tools and a basic folder structure to start your project from.
You're probably familiar with Yeoman already, but if you're not, it's a Node.js-based tool for scaffolding web applications, which is perfectly applicable to our case. You can easily install Yeoman globally with npm:
$ npm install -g yo
Once you're done with it, you can also install generator-node-webkit:
$ npm install -g generator-node-webkit
Eventually, create a new folder for your project and start the generator with the following command:
$ yo node-webkit
If everything went right, a screen, much like the one in the following screenshot, should appear:

As you can see, you'll be asked to answer a few...