Emulating network connectivity
Throughout this chapter, we have emulated different devices in order to check how our theme works. As it is online software and we need an Internet connection, the emulation is not going to be accurate enough, but we will have a close idea for how it works. We will limit the network connectivity on our desktop or laptop device (among others) in order to emulate network connectivity on a chosen device. Here are the steps that we have to follow:
Run Google Chrome.
Run MoodleCloud or Moodle on-premises and log in.
Press the F12 Key.
Click on Toggle device toolbar.
On the right-hand side of the screen, click on Network, as shown in the following screenshot:
Click on No throttling.
A drop-down menu will appear and you need to click on the desired speed, for example, Regular 4G, as shown in the following screenshot:
A warning icon will appear next to Network, showing that there is a limit on the speed connection (in this example, working as Regular 4G), as shown in the...